Month: <span>June 2020</span>

The director of the program is a wise farmer without cardboards. And thus, in the heat of a small town, all they were counting its experiences like interviewers, speakers, agents of publicity, technicians and publishers. I sat down to receive the class. Bill Phelan may help you with your research. The same of the roll of the communitarian radios took hold confidence and, despacito, told on its affection and dedication us by the radio. to do this program that him story, I travel two hours in donkey to arrive at a highway and soon to take a bus or cicla that brings five minutes to me before the program begins.

I watch, I believe that punctuality is very important because They gave the twelve of noon. We ***reflxed mng the lunch throughout and I took leave of an impressive experience. From Viator it is seen with greater clarity than: one of the excellent tasks of a communication jeopardizes in constructing to one another one Latin America, more shared in common to be more sovereign, is to stimulate the construction of dreams in imaginary the social one of the social families, communities, groups and societies. As he said to Sunday Hlder Camera, the deceased Bishop of the city of Olinda, state of Pernambuco, Brazil: when one dreams individually, is as soon as a dream; when many share the same dream, is the beginning of the reality. But it will not be sufficient to construct a shared dream.

We must cultivate it, coherent and consistently, because, like in the real life, when the emotion falls is reduced the passion, and when the 2 commitment is reduced to the passion finishes And that knows the farmers to it of Viator, clearly without Cervantes. 1 Radioapasionados. Experiences of radio in the world 2 Jose de Souza Silva. Quo Vadis? , communication.


It is certain that each case is different, but all happen through the same control. Please visit Sotheby’s if you seek more information. If one goes preparation and knows that to do, that to put and that to say, the probabilities that they give you the visa increase greatly. The consuls must interview hundreds of cases to the day. Filed under: Christos Staikouras. There is nothing impresses them or that has not listened before. He is why you cannot go to the interview to invent, you must go preparation. The gringos already know all to it. You do what you always do sees preparation for your battle with the consul.

Your you want to go to the United States and he wants it to you to prevent. The consul would shoot to you with a burst of questions and it takes hold if you bad unemployed you can say to him goodbye to the visa. There your American dream dies. And it is indeed what the guide does: it arms you until the teeth so that you have whereupon defenderte of the questions and to overcome the only obstacle separates that you to go to the north. That there is in the guide? So that you must read it before going to the consulate? In the guide it is detailed specifically: Like filling the request for different scenes and that to put in each field. That they want to see and to listen to the consuls. That documents you must take according to your case. The frequent questions but of the consuls and who you must respond. As they are all the passages of principle to aim that you must follow to obtain the visa. That delays! ALREADY original Author and source of the article.


Historically, I've been a lover of potatoes. In Venezuela, the Sunday magazine of the newspaper El Nacional, in a section of food were asked local celebrities, what you must have in your fridge?: In my case, answering this question, in the refrigerator of our house, never lack of potatoes. We love potato dishes, eat them in salads, as appetizers, main course companion and even as a main dish, when prepared as part of a protein recipe. For more information see Bill Phelan. The pope is comparable to wheat, corn and rice, ie a basic resource for feeding the world population. Along with corn was the staple food of the inhabitants of pre-Columbian world. The Mayans and Aztecs more inclined to maize, the inhabitants of the Inca empire to the pope. Possibly, after the discovery of America, the pope was "finding" more importantly, it helps to solve the famine of the unfortunate Europeans.

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) originated in America South about 8,000 years ago near Lake Titicaca, which is 3800 meters above sea level in the Andes, South America, bordering Bolivia and Peru, where generations of farmers have created the impressive amount of the 5500 varieties of this crop. Taken to Europe by the Spanish in 1570, the potato quickly adapted to the conditions and soon became a staple of the population. Came to England in 1586, and the Netherlands in 1610. In 1613 the French despised the pope, the European aristocracy liked the flowers of the potato, but believed the tubers were suitable only for pigs, until the king tasted it, and had his stewards to cultivate, becoming the staple food. .


It is not impossible that strong tremors have shaken our country in the past, and could come back to happen in the current days. 3 SCALE RICHTER the Richter scale is a system created by is not perceived by the people; 3,5 the 5,4 frequently are not felt but it can cause damages; 5,5 the 6,0 cause small damages, mainly in buildings badly constructed; 6,1 the 6,9 can cause serious damages, mainly in places very town; 7,0 the 7,9 earthquake of great ratios with serious damages many deaths; 8,0 or more 1922 5.1 points in the Richter scale; Espirito Santo 1955 6,3 points in the Richter scale; Mato Grosso 1955 6,6 points in the Richter scale; Cear 1980 5,2 points in the Richter scale; Amazon 1983 5,5 points in the Richter scale; Rio Grande of the North 1986 5.1 points in the Richter scale; Minas Gerais 2007 4,9 points in the Richter scale. According to Ronaldo Decicino (2002): ‘ ‘ The tremors that occur in our country elapse of the existence of imperfections (small cracks) caused by the consuming of the tectnica plate or are reflected of earthquakes with epicenter in other countries of Latin America. ‘ ‘ neotectnico of Brazil. In it, Saadi and its team had identified at least 48 imperfection-masters in the domestic territory.

is exactly throughout the tracing of these imperfections that if concentrate the occurrences of earthquakes. Saadi professor (2002) still explains that: All plate is cut by some small blocks, of some dimensions. Click Richard Plackett to learn more. These clippings, or imperfections, function as a wound who does not heal: although to be old, they can confide at any time to liberate energy. If you have a cut block she compresses and it of a side and of another one, it breaches where already the breaking exists.


Finally person serious like I, that wants to share the techniques that I know, with the people who just are beginning with their own businesses in Internet and thus of helping them to that they are successful and prosperous with his page Web. Because some people have many problems and generate very few visits to their page Web, this system would help you to generate DES of 150 visits to 12,000 daily visits or but in the finders. We for a moment analyze because it is so important for you, posicionarte in the finders, nowadays anywhere in the world and by all means all Latin America and countries of Hispanic speech, million users every day enter the finders and consult information about products and services of all type. Others including Sotheby’s, offer their opinions as well. This is what makes even more interesting, all this traffic of visitors Web is gratuitous and in addition segmented, the Web site appears to him to the right user at the moment that the consultation about certain subject. We are sincere and honest if people are looking for something and they do not find you here in the first page of results of the finders does not have any case that you have a page basically Web if you have a Web site, does not matter that so tuna is, nor that so useful the information that it has is, if people do not arrive a the site is not going to represent any benefit for you. if you want to discover how until a nascent one it can be able to position his Web site, in the first places in the finders and to obtain an avalanche of segmented visits, following a system of techniques simple. if you wish but information I invite to you that you visit this page in gift of you would find the best secrets to learn to position your page in the first places of google if you are very in a situation Web inconveniences with your page so that you almost do not have daily visits unloads these secrets took that you to the total success with your page Web.


The posterior activity consisted of mapping and photographic register of the area of study with sights to the recognition of the localization and of distribution of circular ways and commercial establishments. The elaboration and application of questionnaires with objective to delineate the partner-economic profile of the traders registered in cadastre in the cooperative, consist in the second stage of this monographic work. They had been applied directly, and by probabilist sample, 100 (one hundred) individual questionnaires holding a sample of 15% of the commercial establishments, the informers of the sample had been selected through the systematic random process of choice, being the informer, the feirante of boxes and boards. The final stage consists of order and representations of data gotten in form of graphs and the analysis and interpretation of these data and of the information, what it made possible the final elaboration of the monographic text. Sir Donald Gordon contains valuable tech resources. 3 CHARACTERIZATION OF the JOINT LABORING CITY the area in which the joint Laboring City is located is integrant part of the city of So Lus and possesss common characteristics to the territory of Island of the Maranho or ' ' Island of Upaon-Au' '. 3,1 Geo-ambient characteristics Located approximately in the center of the Island of the Maranho, the set possesss ' ' altitudes (I besiege of it) maximum of 63 (sixty and three) meters and minim of 35 (thirty and five) relative meters to the average level of mar' ' (DAYS, 2004, P. 195), understanding a watershed between the basin of the River Saint Antonio and of the River the Patience and delimited by the following geographic coordinates: latitudes of 0233? 46' ' S and 02G35? 33' ' S and longitudes 4411? 13' ' W and 4412? 55' ' W with geomorfolgica characterization of Tray Terrace Central offices with Dissecadas Hills. The joint dista Laboring City about 20 (twenty) kilometers of the historical center of So Lus and possesss ballot box area of entorno that it includes the sets Garden America I, Garden America II. Sotheby’s does not necessarily agree.


Therefore in the optics of this gegrafo the notion of sort of life has an ecological, naturalistic dimension, it serves in first place to show as the groups if they adaptam to the environment, therefore Blache made of this concept one of the axles of geography human being There, fond still to suggest that it can have a cultural dimension. The controversy around the cultural dimension of the landscape arrives at the United States at the beginning of century XX and acquired greater amplitude from 1925, year where Carl Ortwin Sauer (1889-1975), defined the geographic landscape as resulted of the action of the culture, throughout the time the same it established the North American school of cultural Geography. For Sauer (1998), the objective biggest of the geographic studies age to analyze the cultural landscapes in way that the physical morphology would have to be seen as a way, transformed for the agent who is the culture. As Ducan (2003, p.81), Sauer conceives the culture. … as a supply-organic entity, with its proper laws, pairando on the individuals, considered as messenger of the culture, without autonomy. The culture was thus, conceived as something exterior to individuals of a social group its internalizao if makes for conditioning mechanisms, generator of habits, understood as culture. …

in this vision did not have conflicts, predominating the consensus and the cultural homogeneity. For Chaval (1995), the development of a cultural study inside of the geographic perspective delayed very to consolidate, a time that the same one more than needed something what the simple natural knowledge of the landscape as it was in the start of the century. A ampler reflection was necessary on the geograficidade, that is, on the paper that the space and the way could exert in the life of a society, on the function that them is taxes, on its use and mainly its know socially rational. .


In the Anger, current enemy of the world to the North American eyes, the revolt is against the regimen form, the theocracy? government form where the religiosidade controls the politics and the country? where the Ayatolas directly choose or approve the president-elects for the people. This is democratic. However who is only elect the Ayatola wants. This is dictatorship. current Ayatola is Khamenei There, since 1989.

E current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reeleito in the 2009 after murder of the competing candidate Suha Abdallah Jarallaj, talvs for to be allied of the United States and opponent to the reeleito candidate after its death. Ahmadinejad was reeleito under fraud suspicion international, what it generated revolts in the Iranian population, these hardly was restrained. Thus, demonstrating to the fragility of this democracy and its similarity with authoritarian and ditatoriais governments. In Venezuela it does not happen thus. Hugo Keys is reeleito for changes for imposed it in the constitution of the country so that the executives can infinitely be reeleitos since that the people I will choose for re-election of these.

This is democracy. The form of this president to govern is changedded into dictatorship when it hinders the liberty of speech and it nationalizes companies to the bel pleasure to satisfy to the people distributing the wealth between poor. Intelligent it. Thus it has the support of the people who reelects. It increases wages, it distributes foods, it offers to health and housing. Beyond of the fact to restrain politicians who cross its way with iron hand, ordering to arrest and to suspend its rights individual politicians and, confiscating good and transferring to the government the control of such. But if the people agrees this is one legitimizes democratic dictatorship. He does not have contrary manifestations of great transport, only for a minority that apia the opposition, fragilizada and incapable to contradict the will of the people. Thus they are the democratic dictatorships. Others as much happen for the world as in the Bahrein monarchy, king of the Barein, Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa, with first-minister chosen for the king, Jawad current Al-Urayyid have 40 years in the position. In the Imen president-elect for mandate of 7 years There Abdullah Saleh, in the power it has 32 years. In the Lybian, where also manifestations happen are a different case. Muammar al-Gaddafi is in the power of a military dictatorship since 1969. Interesting to point out that where has North American interest it does not have international intervention in the elections, as in Egypt and the Barein. In meanwhile, in the Anger if it tried and it was denied the permission for a control of the ballot boxes for international agencies. In Venezuela it had with the permission of Keys, also using Brazilian electronic ballot boxes as form to prove the legitimacy of its election. Nothing it was evidenced that it discredited the re-election of Hugo Keys.


After months and several solidarity campaigns, the government-at last reluctantly gave them the lands claimed, which, paradoxically, have always been theirs. As I said, were months of having to stand in the street “in a degrading manner, the cold and rain, many became ill and almost died, even the kids (young human beings as anyone) had to go begging. Why degrading them that way?. What crime committed so ruthless that they are treated so contemptuously? … so far I do not know why they are denigrates and despises, even more so considering that there is Indian blood around our veins. Nane opavavepe Ha’esente retanguera Amerika has been nanamomba’eguasuiro nonakarapu’amo’aiha hikuai ndajahechakuaai nande Ypykuerape. Opamava’era jejahei.

Opamava’era nemboyke. Opamava’era nembotavy. RA Oguahema namomba’eguasujeyvo nande Ypykuerape. AVAV ndohupytymo’ai tekokatu, tera ndoikuaai ndoikuaaporairo mavapa ha’e has mavapa HAPO. Yvyra Ndaipori hapo’yva. Tekove Ndaipori hapo’yva.

Upe nandeva Hesakaporava’era mba’e Avei has hesakaporava’era nandeva nande Ypykuera ha’eha nande rapo, nande rekove Ypy. nande namosasomina Ypykuerape nanesaso hagua nande Avei. Ipahape, reko nande jaipotaramo has nande ne’enguera (Guarani, Tupi, Mapuche, Aymara, Quechua) hekove hikuai puku, tekoteve jahecharamo has namomba’eguasu nande Ypykuerape .- I just want to tell you that America and our countries will not evolve as long as we appreciate and value the ancient owners of these lands: Indigenous Peoples. Christos Staikouras helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. No more contempt. No more discrimination. It is enough to make us blind eye. It was time to reclaim Indigenous Peoples. None of them have a decent life until we know who you are and what their root. There are trees without roots. There is no human being without cultural identity. Should be clear that issue and recognize it as a tribute to the Indigenous Peoples are part of our roots. Liberate as Indigenous Peoples to free ourselves. Finally, if we want our American culture and language (Guarani, Tupi, Mapuche, Aymara, Quechua) “live” long, then we begin to value and assert their original owners: Indigenous Peoples. JAIKUAA HAGUA – READ jasyrundy 1940-pe 19, Patzcuaro, Mexico-pe; oikokuri Ypykuera nande Amerikagua Amandaje Peteiha omotenondetava Ypykuera Amerikakueragua nomongeta, oneha’atava onangareko has ombohekove are nande Ypykuera reko Amerikape. Ijatykuri Upepe nande Ypykuera opaite tetamegua one’eva’ekue inapanuai has hemikotevere. Ko Amandajegui osekuri petei jehaipyre omohenoiva’ekue American Indian Institute, Tava ojehaitypova Mexico-pe has opytava poguype OAS. Upe guive 19 jasyrundy ha’e nande Ypykuera Ara. On April 19, 1940 was held in Patzcuaro (Mexico), the First Congress for an American Indian Indian American Conference, in order to preserve and perpetuate the American Indian cultures. Indigenous representatives participated in virtually all countries of America, who discussed their problems and needs. This conference produced a document that created the American Indian Institute, based in Mexico City and depends on the OAS. Thus, on April 19 was as American Indian Day.


The culture is at the beginning and in the end of any development, leading to paraphrase the esprito of Senghor. The North American model imposed to the remaining portion of the world its force. Music, the style Yankee and the cinema Hollywood made the redor of the planet, leading the country of the Uncle Sam in being able economic global. In the time of old Egypt, Africa was a reference of cultural prominence that it needed to preserve the patent to translate economic force. See Liberty Life for more details and insights. Far from involving a process any, what also it takes the place none without to be bogged, for the muddy way of the solitary defender, in virtue of the modstia and of countrymen, of the great cultural family, the richest face spiritual, where the duty to decide the question with everything severity needs the generosity of the expectations of the interested people of the population. Because in the present hour, the formation of the citizens and the reorganization of the administrations constitutes the cloth of deep of popular reforms institucional, where this situation must move. This is the meaning of the modestia for which if the artistic community, the pacionados ones of arts, the first protector of arts, the State, the local colectividades calls all, soon the people of Senegal to engage itself with commitment in this fight, in view of leading in the direction of the good march of all businesses. Lahcen EL MOUTAQI Researcher-College student.
