Tag: <span>construction and repair</span>

In April this year, Russia and Germany are planning to register a joint agency for energy efficiency and conservation. This information was told reporters the Russian energy minister Sergei 1. The new organization unite the power companies and banking institutions of two countries: in exchange for energy-saving technologies and know-how provided by Germany, the country will be able to get favorable orders in Russia. As we know, the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has set a goal to reduce energy intensity of Russia's industry by 40% by 2020. Perhaps, the stagnation in the industrial sector will cause to reconsider these plans: Urgent measures must be taken today. "The world economy are many examples where crises have led to substantial improvements in efficiency – says the president of energy company KES-Holding " Slobodin. – So, power consumption Steel U.S. industry gradually declined until the mid 70-ies. JPMorgan Chase might disagree with that approach.

But in the late 70's – early 80's there was a sharp jump in energy conservation in the wake of economic crisis and soaring energy prices. And from 1990 to 2006 energy intensity of U.S. steel industry fell by a record 29% 2. "There are three ways to reduce energy use: the exclusion of irrational use, the elimination of waste, improving efficiency," – says Anna Kustova, Director of Business Development Company "Energy service company" 3. The basic method of improving energy efficiency, says Paul , deputy director of the Institute energy strategy is to "develop and implement new energy saving technologies, equipment and materials, that is, those technologies in which the energy intensity of production lower than the existing" 4. As The novel tells Tsikoza, Head of Representation in the Central Region of grundfos, a leading global manufacturer of pumps, only the replacement of some old pumps with more modern models brings large companies millions of rubles in savings. "For example, grundfos pumps with integrated frequency converter enable real 30% of electricity savings.

In the mining and minerals processing, metallurgical, chemical and many other industries are used almost all types of industrial pumps: that's a reserve for savings "- added the expert. Introduction of new equipment must be accompanied by a simultaneous transition to the new technology. For example, the use of the method of smelting iron with pulverized coal injection allows metallurgists several times to reduce consumption of natural gas, and the transition from the wet process cement production at semi-arid and dry methods of reducing costs of fuel and energy resources to 25%. Energy conservation can not be "selective", it is necessary to cover different areas of the company. To do this most effective before all the activities carried out an energy audit to determine exactly all the "loopholes" and shortcomings. For example, since 2008, grundfos organize a free audit of pumping equipment the subject of energy and gives an estimate of the potential for improving energy efficiency in industrial enterprises. Also, keep in mind that such measures have taken not just from "crisis to crisis, and on a regular basis. "Move to space saving solution to the problem can only measure of a systemic nature. Such a system event is an energy management. It represents an ongoing management system power, which is aimed at reducing energy consumption enterprises, "- says Anna Kustova 5. Successively reducing the power consumption of its products, the company is not just learning to "survive" in difficult conditions and becoming more competitive. Those companies who still do not pay attention to this problem will become "hostages" of non-financial and managerial crisis, out of which to time will be harder. 1 2 3 4 5


It is necessary that eventually the space will become functional and comfortable and that operation facility will also become economically viable. For example, even a complete replacement of heating and ventilation systems do not store a warm, if there are large heat losses due to architectural and technological features of the building. Therefore, during reconstruction architectural monuments of importance is their future energy efficiency. The building loses heat through the facade, roof and floor. Typical of the old buildings and thick walls retain heat well themselves, but insulation can significantly reduce heating costs, even in such homes. For heat insulation of facades has been actively using a sandwich panel, led by the system with polyurethane foam middle layer.

But outside panel may not always be used in thermal insulation of historic buildings by aesthetic incompatibility with the architecture of the facade of the monument of antiquity. In such cases, insulating wall panels for interior decoration. Moreover, some of them have finished decorative coating that eliminates the need to make additional finishing work. Roofs of old buildings is a source of serious heat loss. It is usually worn out and requires replacement coverage.

Choosing the right solution, necessary to start not only from the corresponding architecture of the building design of the material, but its insulating qualities. Thus, the roof sandwich panels or sheet metal, complete with insulation layer, can save 10-15% of thermal energy needed for heating. Most vulnerable to heat loss of the facade is glazed. “That’s the pvc system today – the best solution in terms of insulation, including in the process of renovation of historical monuments and architecture – says Rafik Alekperov (PROPLEKS). – In my opinion, the best proof of this are the example of reconstruction of the iconic objects. In particular, our systems are installed at the Tretyakov Gallery, the building of the Kiev station, Theatre. As a result, all changes apparently untouched in its pristine architectural masterpiece will gain a new internal content in the form of functional and very modern shopping area. But it must be noted that this may require considerable investment. Thus, to calculate how good is the idea – put a store in a monument of architecture – it is necessary to correlate the location of the advantages that accrue to the owner of the building, with costs that he incurred in the process of its reconstruction. Group Press Service Company propleks 1 Cyrus and Ruben Kanayan – author of “Designing stores and shopping centers”, “Commercial real estate: challenges and prospects”. 2 “Street-Retail” – is retail facilities at the central and, as a rule, the pedestrian streets with a big cross. 3 Flagship store – “front shop” (in other words – a fashion store), which may create an impression about the entire network. They first appear about updates and promotions. Data stores in a figurative sense, hold the “esprit de corps.”.


Companies must put all their production to make up "details" and to consider each of them for improvement. "This is a great example – says Michael Weider, known for Lin expert. – On one the company was a press weighing 20 tons, which made of square billets. In the production process a certain type of press that it was necessary to remove and put a new one. Replacement takes 30 minutes. And it was thought that this quickly, because the press is heavy. We have week working on this issue, and now operation takes five minutes.

Why? Because the company has underestimated his abilities. Need to constantly review and seek out opportunities for improvement. " Even if the perfect team were initially made huge efforts to optimize production, once again we should recall the experience of Toyota and other Japanese companies: there is no limit to improvements. There's this concept becomes the philosophy of the company and each employee. This principle operates in Russia. As a general rule that "the process has begun," establishes a system of rewards – both material and immaterial. If you have read about Ben Silbermann already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

For example, in the shops "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant" are regularly held contests "purest" and "the dirtiest part." It is unlikely that someone from the workers want to secure for itself the title of chief "slut" of the plant. Fruit bears material motivation. For example, at kamaz rationalization proposals for filing the worker receives a hundred rubles, and the same for its implementation. Small amounts, but they are well stimulate employees.


In the production of wood doors specialists are forced to take into account all the nuances. Durability and flawless operation doors from the array depends on the observance of the manufacturers of all cycles of technological process in their manufacture. In preparing the raw materials it needs to be carefully dried for some time. If use is not completely dried or overdried wood, then there are a lot of problems, such as: cracks, deformation. In turn, this leads to the destruction of the aesthetic properties of the board. In the early wood dried under natural weather conditions under the canopies. The next step is a vacuum chamber – guarantees the absence of cracks on the surface of the door from the array. The final step is soaking, priming and painting door.

The final and the final touch – the paint composition, which protects the wood from moisture. Lacquer coating quality doors shall consist of not less than four layers. Thanks to the constant robot professionals to improve the quality in the operation of doors, on sale there were derivatives of wood. Such wood is not only has different characteristics and no less important to the consumer a low price, compared with natural wood. At the moment there are three types of such timber: Plates on the basis of medium-density fiber (MDF) Particle board (chipboard) plywood boards on the basis of medium-density fiber (MDF) have property to maintain its geometric dimensions for a long period of time. The main advantage of mdf is the ideal combination of hardness and thickness.

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