Dealing With Low Performers And Difficult Employees

Psychological resources meet at this seminar seminar for managers in food executives, providing a constructive approach with low performers. Thus access to alternative options to terminate. A dismissal is only rarely for everyone the best choice? Causes for low performers figure out an important communication and management tool is the conversation with the low performer. It is the information of about the employee that his behavior or success is not the average. Executives are demanded in this appraisal interview to find out the reasons for the underperformance of low performers. Psychologically trained executives recognize in such a conversation, whether real reasons lead to the below-average performance or whether the employee to speak out with reasons attempts.

Clarify the findings in an interview form a part of the decision basis for the choice of an appropriate willingness to change Action option in dealing with the low performer. A further basis for the decision of the senior executives is signaled by the staff willingness to future increase of its engagement and its performance. The leadership seminar in food, participants learn effective psychological resources that support them to agree on concrete measures to implement its improvement determination with the low performer. Also for monitoring the implementation of these agreements, participants in Essen will receive valuable tips. Exploit leeway In dealing with low performers and difficult employees different action options available are the executives. These range imposed by an employee loan help offers private problems of the employee to the transfer or dismissal. The staff shows willingness and the potential for positive change, he should get a chance of development in the company.

Executives know their employees and their tasks generally good enough to employ the workers concerned in an area of activity that is more appropriate for him, if possible. Termination only as a last resort the dismissal of low performers should be well-planned, because in the event of a dispute, the employer must prove the reasons for this termination of personal or behavioral. This will require, where appropriate, a detailed collection of qualitative or quantitative underperformance of the concerned employee, as well as corresponding averages of comparable worker. Even if these data are available, the Labour Court examines whether there are no other relevant means except the termination will revert back to the employer perceived mismatch between performance and counter-performance. Such a remedy could be, for example, a transfer of an employee in a workplace better corresponding to his personal performance. Leadership seminar in eating destination this leadership seminar is to enable the views of senior executives to sharpen and psychologically clever communication in conversation and consistent leadership to train. This is done inter alia through exercises to the perception of own shares of behavior, as well as to identify the reasons for the underperformance of the low performers. At the end of the seminar, the executives create a personal action plan for dealing with difficult employees and low performers in their area of responsibility. Seminar with trainers in the double pack this leadership seminar is headed by a duo of coach: Erich Ziegler is a coach that is very experienced in dealing with teams. The executives can provide valuable tips for constructive solutions also in Group situations. The views of the major characterized Andrea Cichy, comes to fruition especially in establishing organization and the optional offer of a coaching. The leadership seminar takes place at the 13.09.2011 in Essen, on the 04.10.2011 in Berlin and at the 2011 in Cologne. More dates are seminars on the Web page and training of I.O. BUSINESS consulting and training to find.