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The World Bank, at the same time supported to these large and gigantic projects, criticized by environmentalists, in the 70 and 80 years for supporting the construction of large dams, highways and other infrastructure for the expansion of the development. Perhaps the greatest success of the small projects of the World Bank program the cool the contradictions generated by own development projects, which, at the other end, has the support of the Bank through its programme of major projects (PGP). In the case of the environmental issue, specifically, much of the resources for environmental policies in poor countries comes from the World Bank and other multilateral institutions. A study conducted in Funbio, a non-governmental organization stimulated by the World Bank (which supports institutional and financial), whose objective was to apply the Convention of biological diversity in different countries, in this case in Brazil. It is worth noting the power of that NGO and institutional format, he was one of the most pathetic of these societies. Something similar happened in Ecuador when (where you can find indigenous Huaorani,) gave the transnational Italian Agip Oil, permission to build a platform oil, extend a pipeline and extract oil from the North Eastern Pastaza province in exchange for that the company handed over: () to each of the six communities Huaorani, a classroom, a course of health, a radio, a battery with solar panel, 50 kilos of rice, 50 sugar, two cubes of fat, a bag of salt, a judge and two soccer balls whistle15 plates, 15 cups and a closet with 200 dollars in medicines, in a single game (Marin, 2003). At the beginning of the 90s, those same huaorani communities fought against 22 transnational oil companies, which also had the protection of the Ecuadorian State military and that, at that time, () the huaorani of the Ecuador managed to mobilize national and international environmental organizations against the planned oil exploitation of the DuPont-Conoco Oil Company in indigenous territory.

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NAPLES: We’re very concerned about the deterioration of public order. Those poets who can not make a joint or attack us in full. Not support the democratic decisions that require the use of two or hache relationship for more efficient use of resources. MARGARET: What? NAPLES: That we have to save the natural. You know. (Rub your index finger with the thumb).

The anarchists, poets and do not want crappy vencidario miniprivaticemos out of the tap of the substance that is liquid, odorless and tasteless, which is the most abundant component of the planet. MARGARET: Oh. NAPLES: And the poets, drones, trade unionists and environmentalists who really want it or are washed prevent. NAPLES: I know, I know. We are already taking action. Mr. V.

: So I like efficiency. It has to be strong, but unobtrusive. Since these people are put to scream, then no one can clear things up. We have to operate the city, which requires a lot of money and the operation is underway in danger, because a few fanatics. MARGARET: I really involving all groups in the city. It will not be easy to control. Mr. V. : I have left to act too. NAPLES: They are a minority of bearded, longhaired and drug addicts. SECRETARY: I’ve only seen bald, vegetarians who do not smoke and girls. NAPLES: They are dangerous. I checked. Dress Up. (The secretary) You have said, there are vegetarians, Aeon how good are the steaks!. AY pork loin in a sandwich!, ummmm.

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