Tag: <span>Government</span>

This yield, once deduced the operative costs, will constitute the gain, the fruit of your effort and sacrifice, which constitute a genuine source of wealth, but must forget neither to omit itself, that is necessary for or the collective, which a part of that generation of wealth, by the route of established taxation, returns to the sine of that society, of which we comprised, to feed back, that communitarian space, that we called ” The Mercado” with the basic resources that all without exception nor excluded we needed. With aforesaid purpose, we allowed ourselves to suggest before initiating any activity like that there are I decipher, we penetrate in the consideration of the following topics: For example: 1 – How much you know you of the probable consumers to who it tries to offer a purchase option them. 2 -Which are their preferences? What understand their probable consumers on the concept of value of a certain product? 3 -They value the quality of the same, or only them it interests its price? 4 – You go to a stable consumer to who she will return to sell to him simply or what she interests to him in an occasional sale that does not generate a bond later? 5 – Which are the goods or services that you must in mind offer. 6 – Who will be their suppliers: 7 – How much you know on the concept of Social responsibility 8 – How consustanciado one is on the pillars of the economy that is to say: The Market, the Supply, the Demand, the consumer goods, the Yield, the Added Value, Taxation and the Contributor. 9 – The Concept of Retro Feeding in the cycle: Production Product Price Supply Demand – To be able of Purchase Wages. A developing society like ours, needs the contribution of all, mainly the one of which tries to enter in character of industralists in the process of wealth generation. Many writers such as Linkedin offer more in-depth analysis. An evasive conduct with respect to the roll that we try to carry out, will only bring consequently, indefinite delay of the yearned for development, which, to be viable, cannot tolerate nor the egoistic conduct of the evasor, nor the marginality of which will have to pay their consequences.


To hold a good position and hydrodynamics horizontal is essential to be able to render in the style of crol or frees. To many people it costs to hold a position to them completely horizontal which directly affects in the yield and efficiency of the style.Many of the faults are in the breathing, phase of push and the kick. I will speak of the most common errors and we can correct as them. Very well, we will begin by the breathing. ERROR 1: To raise to the Head when breathing a very common error that they commit the nascent ones is the one to lift the head when it is going away to breathe. This error is completely justifiable, since many people are scared to that water enters to them and they are obstructed.

The problem is that when rising the head the rest of the body is forced to lower, and when the body lowers it returns and it raises. This causes that to length of the route the body is following a curve sigmoidal, that is to say, the body is walking like a wave. CORRECTION Them memory that stops to breathe in crol the head must turn more on its own axis no to rise. The mouth always goes to be in the part of back of the wave (or in the valley). If it costs to them to do it, practices the breathing in the bulging part with the feet in the floor. A little incline and beat an ear to the water.

They turn the head so that the face enters and make bubbles, turn the head again without the ear leaves the water, they take air and they repeat. ERROR 2: To drive the hand downwards. This error explains a little in the entrance where I used Mr Smooth to give advice them to swim more express.


The World Bank, at the same time supported to these large and gigantic projects, criticized by environmentalists, in the 70 and 80 years for supporting the construction of large dams, highways and other infrastructure for the expansion of the development. Perhaps the greatest success of the small projects of the World Bank program the cool the contradictions generated by own development projects, which, at the other end, has the support of the Bank through its programme of major projects (PGP). In the case of the environmental issue, specifically, much of the resources for environmental policies in poor countries comes from the World Bank and other multilateral institutions. A study conducted in Funbio, a non-governmental organization stimulated by the World Bank (which supports institutional and financial), whose objective was to apply the Convention of biological diversity in different countries, in this case in Brazil. It is worth noting the power of that NGO and institutional format, he was one of the most pathetic of these societies. Something similar happened in Ecuador when (where you can find indigenous Huaorani,) gave the transnational Italian Agip Oil, permission to build a platform oil, extend a pipeline and extract oil from the North Eastern Pastaza province in exchange for that the company handed over: () to each of the six communities Huaorani, a classroom, a course of health, a radio, a battery with solar panel, 50 kilos of rice, 50 sugar, two cubes of fat, a bag of salt, a judge and two soccer balls whistle15 plates, 15 cups and a closet with 200 dollars in medicines, in a single game (Marin, 2003). At the beginning of the 90s, those same huaorani communities fought against 22 transnational oil companies, which also had the protection of the Ecuadorian State military and that, at that time, () the huaorani of the Ecuador managed to mobilize national and international environmental organizations against the planned oil exploitation of the DuPont-Conoco Oil Company in indigenous territory.

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