Intensive Therapy Imminent

The psychologist arms itself with a very powerful instrument in the process of humanizao of the hospital in the measure where it brings in its bulge of performance the condition of analysis of the interpersonal relations. She is well-known also, the evidence each bigger time of that many patologias have its aggravated clinical picture from emotional complications of the patient. As the presence of determinative emotional when boarded patologias not diagnosised with precision is equally undeniable. Even though for the lack of specific and varied symptoms. In this direction it is interesting to observe itself that the advance of the medicine with all its technological apparatus does not obtain to do without the psychologist for its condition of listening of the manifestations d' soul human being, manifestation this imperceptible one to the proper modern technology. – Psychological Attendance in the Center of Intensive Therapy the C.T.I brings as serious esteritipo entailed its idea of suffering and imminent death. In the truth, for being a unit in the hospital that if dedicates to the attendance of cases where the intensive care and the gravity of the problems they demand constant and specialized services. The intrinsic characteristics to the C.T.I, as the routine of sped up work more, the constant climate of apprehension, the situations of imminent death, finishes for exacerbar the state of stress and tension that as much the patient, how much the team lives in the twenty and four hours of the day.

These aspects, added the individual dimension of the suffering of the person in interned it, as: pain, the fear, the anxiety and the isolation of the world. – Demystifying the C.T.I the C.T.I is plus one of the fruits of the extraordinary advance that medical sciences and its technology had reached in century XX. Objectifying for an intensive treatment of the patient. It is an indispensable unit for the treatment of serious sick people.