Teaching horses offers intensive seminars for managers in sensitive positions when it comes to the interests of colleagues and staff, which are embedded within larger corporate structures, Works Council and trade unionists in a difficult position. Often sensitive grey areas which need to be negotiated in two directions due to lacking legal or contractual provisions. The staff member is on the one hand, on the other hand the management of conflict is preprogrammed. “Bernhard Rogg of teaching horses offers within its management training a successful seminar with the title: informal run” on. The goal of the training is to show different ways of creating trusting relationships with the employees and at the same time through the work of one’s personality with the Executive Board to positively affect the outcome of the negotiations. The intensives are held with a maximum of 6 participants and take 2.5 days.
During this period, participants learn based on the successful concept of To teaching horses which implement the essential points of informal guiding them in their professional life. Getting to know the effect of different behaviors in the talks and the training of the own, sovereign personality includes techniques to attract the attention of the person, to convince the interlocutor of the interests and concerns of colleagues on the one hand and on the other hand classic win-win situations for both sides to bring. The teaching approach of conscious communication and the methodological approach actively based on trust relationships to develop and to possess good enforcement opportunities even in difficult situations can participants representing social and human interests of employees as well as provoke the good will of the company management to reach a sound decision making process which will bring benefits for both sides permanently. Find the seminars in 79336 Herbolzheim Red Rock ranch held by Bernhard Rogg and his team carried out. In addition also bases of the trialogue-plus communication used to the previous concept in the seminars, which allow the participants to gain a picture of thought and value structures of the interlocutors.