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The time and place of the meeting Gates said, but noted that Putin then served as president of Russia. According to Putin, head of the Pentagon at this meeting "Rejected the idea that Iran until 2020 will create a missile that can be flown to Western Europe and most parts of Russia." "Then he showed me a map, prepared by members of the Russian intelligence. I advised him to create a new security service "- and arrogantly boasted Gates, adding that after the" Russian back to us and recognized us right on the possible threat posed by Iran. " It is worth recalling that in early June in Geneva, held the second round of Russian-US consultations on the START II treaty, signed between the two countries in 1991, with the American side called them productive. Third round of negotiations on a new treaty on the Arms Reduction Treaty (START) will be held in late June in Geneva. The current treaty to reduce strategic offensive weapons will expire on December 5, 2009 A previously Senior Researcher Transatlantic Fellow of the Marshall Fund, "the Germany-United States," Joerg Gimmelrayh stated that "the leaders of the military departments of Russia has already recognized that ballistic missile defenses in Europe are placed to protect against nuclear missiles, Iran, instead of for protection from Russia. " "The way out of the situation may be a way to attract the military potential of Russia in this initiative, exceptional as a forum for discussion of this problem, in my opinion, will work in the NATO-Russia Council" – was certain German expert of the American Fund.

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