Tag: <span>psychology</span>

No person is forced to live in pair, is a personal decision also is a human necessity to.juntar themselves, to tie, to share to.sentir itself dear and valued and, biologically the sexuality is a necessity, as well as the continuation of the species, that in psychological terms stays noticeable as the necessity to extend Then, I ask myself How it is that if the life in pair is so important, for the great majority of the inhabitants of this planet earth, she becomes so complicated, so wished and so suffered? The complicated thing is the relation in pair, or will be that the human beings we are infinitely complex and one of the places in which this is demonstrated he is indeed in these relations One of the great subjects which they are listened to is regarding the communication within the pair, men and women hurt of which their pairs do not listen to them, do not hear them or they are not able to include/understand what the other says to them For being able to communicate to us, the first requirement is to be kind, to take care of what our pair says to us, or it wants to say to us, but also to know what is what we mean. Per moments, we spoke crooked, or we so did not use the words which we want to express, that is to say, we disguised, tenth between teeth, or simply we give to understand. All is forms to communicate, but I surely disguise what I mean, my pair, understands another case and that yes, that is a jam in the communication the human communication, has many facets. The communication does not exist, always we are not saying things, not only with words, also the voice tone is important, the form we expressed as it, and our position and gestures contribute to emphasize the communication.


Therefore we verify in the day the aggravation of the ignorance of all, while it advances the knowledge of the parts. For the reversion of this situation, Morin guides in them to consider our cosmic condition, the fullness and the free expression of the men is decurrent of an ethical intention and politician, who only consolidates for the triad individual/society/species. The human development depends on the development of ' ' set of individual autonomies, communitarian participation and of the feeling to belong to the species human being in such a way, respecting the units as the diversities existentes' '. When discoursing on IV the chapter, the author focuses the importance of if teaching terrena identity, not occulting oppressions, dominations, hecatombes and catastrophes, responsible for some devastaes of the humanity. The author planetarizao flame fast dissemination (when we consider terrestrial history) and many times disastrous of the population for the world in last the 5 centuries, since the beginning of the age of the navigations until the end of the millenium where the man started to be capable to give return to the world in 24 hours and of if communicating instantaneously in all global sphere. Thanks to this unifying planetarizao, the world becomes each time plus one all. However, while European and American they are in one all planetary one of comfort, great number of Africans, Asians and South American is found in one all planetary one of misery. Thus, the planetarizao can be considered conflituosa in its essence. Thus, paradoxicalally, the world, each time more, becomes joins, but it becomes, at the same time, each divided time more. I take care of the legacy to it of century XX, Morin describes some particular characteristics of this period and cites its legacies as the news to be able of death, mainly characterized for the nuclear weapons and new perigos such as the ecological death the one that the man has premade use the planet.
