Tag: <span>man and the law</span>

In relation to children is not declared war. Such a dramatic statement was made yesterday, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin on the board of his office. Linkedin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. She was devoted to crime against minors. Bastrykin cited the following data: only the first six months of the year against children committed over 40,000 crimes, of which about 4.5 thousand are crimes of a sexual nature. Nearly 300 minors have been killed.

Therefore, the head of the Investigative Committee proposed to tighten the law. – The unfolding situation dictates the need to amend the Professional Code, establishing responsible for the uncontrolled and neglected children find in school time – said Bastrykin. He proposed several measures that, in his opinion, should improve the situation of crime against minors. In particular, at the regional level to implement a system of electronic beacons for monitoring the movement of children. Abroad, this method has been successfully applied. And if such a system was implemented, managed to avoid many tragedies. Bastrykin brought this fact: in the suburban -Zuevo three weeks the search for two first-graders. They are engaged in tracing hundreds of policemen, the Emergencies Ministry, the local military troops, but so far unsuccessfully.

All in all, This year was sought more than 12,5 thousand children. The Investigation Committee is concerned by the position of some judges who unjustified decision to parole pedophiles. – Must carefully check each such a judicial decision. We do not just summarize the judicial inquiry practice, and intend to get to each judge. We will make a presentation to the Supreme Court – said Bastrykin. It was also suggested to exclude conditional form of punishment for pedophiles. According to first deputy head of the Investigative Committee of Basil Piskaryov, persons who have committed sexual offenses against children, should impose penalties exclusively in the form of long-term imprisonment. As a glaring fact sounded the following figures: this year brought more than 5,000 professional cases against parents who have committed various crimes, including murder own children. – Currently we are developing a series of measures to prevent such crimes, but it seems that this serious problem is essentially no one does. We have asked the Russian presidential administration, Russian government, a number of other ministries and agencies, stating the need for early action to address this issue – stated Bastrykin. The head of the Investigative Committee also considers it necessary to adopt a special law aimed at protecting children, a system of prevention of crimes against minors.
