Tag: <span>job and career</span>

Man, that something can be done because others can not do, certainly must stand out from the crowd. And do not be shy. Need to work in his own name, and then to the name of the exercise for you. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Carrie Levin chef and gain more knowledge.. How correctly to do this? Where to start? For successful self-promotion, building personal brand to use the 7 basic tools: website, blog, e-mail, writing articles, conducting webinars, participation in professional party, concept development and brand mission. 1.

Develop your site. The easiest way to make yourself advertising – to create a site where you offer your services. The site also can host guest ashih former clients who share pleasure working with you, your portfolio. With this approach, people will trust you as a professional in the business. Also, your site will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, seven days a week and holidays. 2.

Keep up your blog. The site is usually static, and the blog is constantly updated. Potential customers use search engines to find people working in the required field. Their search may lead to your blog. Stream live to the world their opinion on various issues! Regularly updating a blog at least once or twice a week, you can push your blog higher in search results. 3. Newsletter – an important tool for finding your target audience to form a base of loyal subscribers, your potential clients, customers and buyers. Getting your regular mailing to trust you, and if they want to later buy any goods or receive any service – it probably will appeal to you as the person they 'know well'. 4. Writing articles. Write interesting articles on professional issues and put them on your website or blog and on tematichemkih forums. 5. Conduct webinars. The fastest way to make his name known in a particular area. Become an expert – and let everyone know about it! 6. Participation in professional get-together. Active participation in conferences, trainings, seminars, discussion forums, blogs, social networks. 7. Mission and brand concept. What is truly important to you – it's your mission, life purpose, able to attract the interest of others. brand building necessary to ensure that your brand is not artificial, but was alive and dynamic. In conclusion I would like to quote Tom Peters, author of the bestselling mirv, management guru: "To become a brand – a vital necessity for anyone who wants to be successful in business. Nobody would dispute the fact that the goods brands easily win in the market for lesser-known brands. The same is true for the person-brand: there will always be those who will be ready at all to buy it. "


We go on increasing at this stage you will need to show themselves determined, strong-willed, intelligent officer. If your boss is a man (that's right it is usually the case), then add to its image elements that are synonymous with reliability and competence. Fashion is and remains constant for several decades: the invisible, strong, cosmetics, blouse shirt cut, thin-rimmed glasses, a classic pantsuit. Be appropriate, and elegant tie. Handbag better change in a rigorous, business portfolio. Also noted that successful career is achieved with the ladies short haircut, so if you have long enough hair, you should consider a visit to a good barber.

You became the boss main goal now – to strengthen the authority and take a springboard for their future victories. The main rule – is keep your distance between himself and his subordinates. Because now you're the head and the requirement that you have dictated women's fashion careerists, not a failure, that life will sit in one place. Get dressed expensively and efficiently. Thus, you gently and correctly indicate to its highest position. Even if the beginning is under your creative team, which adopted a sporty style, then put on an exclusive jeans, for example, from the famous house fashion. The same goes for accessories and footwear. Your shoes, gloves, scarves and handbags to introduce you to the circle of bosses, not their subordinates.

Afraid of being branded undemocratic? Do not! Naturally, backbiting, gossip and rumors not be avoided, but your goal – a good career, not my own way relationships with subordinates, and, moreover, nobody forces you to be a shrew, rude to his subordinates and yell at them for any occasion. Just keep your distance without a lot of emotions and, soon, people will appreciate your business style and get used to it. Now about what you can not do. For careerists absolutely unacceptable frivolous women's fashion: bright makeup and bare shoulders, provoking labels on clothing, red nail polish, bell-bottomed trousers, huge rings, tiny glamorous handbags and, of course, shoes with thick soles. All 'not' list here is meaningless. You must itself perfectly to understand that is a business-like style, fashion, and what would be appropriate if you want to make a really successful career.
