Tag: <span>home and family</span>

In accordance with the authors, in the Europe, the aristocratic families kept its wealth and the control of its lands, favored for the crown. The relations between its components were based on the hierarchy and the tradition, where the men lived for the actions directed toward the war and, the women to the social life in the castles where he inhabited, being that the children were created and educated for the employees of the house. The family peasant, in turn, was comumente structuralized of form to organize itself well with the great existing natality in its seio. They lived, in its majority, with other families, in vilarejos or villages, joined that them in the communitarian dependence, the customs and also for the tradition. The men withheld mantenedor work e, the women created the children (children or not) in communitarian regimen, where these, since early, depended on all the community and, not only of the parents. .


Back in 1824 in North America, Mexico Highlands to the west of the Rocky Mountains American entomologist Thomas discovered a beetle leaf beetle Seismic, painted like a zebra cherrnymi African and white stripes. He lived in Mexico, this beetle Apache tribe on the lands. At the time, and Texas, and California and other southwestern and western U.S. states, except state Origon belonged to Mexico. So it was until 1845, when the U.S. simply selected all the territory from Mexico, making it a most half, that is the way it is now.

So imagine living this beetle leaf beetle, lived and no one bothered, ate the leaves as wild aslenovyh plants. The Indians then planted himself just Manso (maize), beans, pumpkin yes, that is all that beetles are not interested. But one day around 1830, the entire company of these beetles inadvertently saw the Indians asked for their supreme god to send down the Yale crows on their land of rain, as in the year in those regions was a big drought. Beetles have seen everything and the Indians built a large fire, and as high priest threw him in a variety of herbs, and like all Indians plyassali ritual dance around a bonfire. Fireplace beetles do not like it, but Tanya is very liked it. So much, that they, too, sitting on the bushes danced with the Indians. Since it was a dance-prayer, all the soldiers were without weapons, and each time the high priest threw volshabnye herbs into the fire, all the Indians in led by the leader (caciques years) raised their hands and followed the priest exclaimed, "Oh great and mighty raven Yale, you are god of all things, help us your children, send us rain, and then we have all the fields dry, drought. Put on your anger on mercy – help us! We are asking you, help us! "And so it went for three days, so that the beetles had all good to remember, but on the fourth day went a long-awaited rain.

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What we must make at moments of crisis and unemployment? At moments of the most adjusted economic crisis it is to make a familiar meeting, to elaborate a domestic planning. To write down all the expenditures and to create rules for consumption. For example: to go to the cinema, to use to advantage the days of promotion or to lease a ribbon in a video rental all family to attend. She goes to carry through a purchase, pechinche, she does not have shame to go to some store to search prices and has much patience in the hour to buy. The more pressed it will be the familiar, bigger budget the necessity of planning of expenses. It against the account prevents wastefulnesses of water, light, telephone and foods.

Either a conscientious consumer. What she is necessary to be a conscientious consumer in them gives some tips of economy? The tip most important in economy of any relation of cost benefit utility . What I am acquiring really is necessary, the cost-benefit of this product valley the option for this purchase. Part discountings, searches prices, looks similar products, control small expenses. This week I was the two store that were to few meters one of the other to buy a board to pass clothes, in one of the store cost R$ 129,90 and in another one, a similar with good quality was R$ 34,90, I saved R$ 95,00, what it assists to pay a water account, light, etc. the difference is enormous in the commerce, therefore to search is very important for its pocket.

It searchs searched offers (it verifies in some places to have certainty of the promotion), is intent to the credit cards and guaranteed check, negotiates taxes better and looks for to buy the sight to get greaters discountings. Exists some rule on what to spend at this moment of crisis? What accounts are with priority?> First it is feeding, according to clothes, third a professional qualification and personal marketing. To invest in you. The companies are more demanding and selective at moments of man power containment. With priority accounts are: accounts of water, light, telephone, gas, installment or rent of the house, medical installment of the automobile, insurances and accords. It negotiates installments, credit cards, guaranteed check and other debts. Economically as to face the unemployment? Focar in the best abilities and differentials. To plan in the elaboration and delivers of each resume. It does not lose contact with friends and professionals of the area. It searchs improvement courses. It does not invest repayment resources to open a business unless it has studied markets, finances, operational systems and tax burden amongst others. Crisis goes to get worse? All crisis is synonymous of new chances, with claw, determination and patience we find the success.

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