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Perhaps you can seem like a strange argument, but is worth remembering that the crisis has made them lose value strongly largely for reasons unrelated to the own of the same situation but the need for investors to become of liquidity and seek safer investments. Investor appetite for risk positions already is being felt in stock market indices. In the case of Brazil, the Bovespa of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange index, has registered an increase of 75% from their minimum levels for the month of October 2008. Wells Fargo Bank has much to offer in this field. Also emerging markets bags have gone 50% in the past two months. Rick Dad, Poor Dad is full of insight into the issues. Thus reflects it the MSCI index of emerging markets (NYSE:EEM), which follows the performance of 23 emerging markets. The return of investor appetite for risk, think it is undoubtedly good news though perhaps is a little excessive behavior that is watching against the still insufficient evidence that the crisis has begun to hit back.

Beyond my doubts about informed actions Inverter (is that many times, the behavior that exhibit the capital lacks rationality), one can think of the positive effects which the return of optimism to the markets might entail for the economies. Without doubts, optimism in the markets can generate an effect contagion positive on the consumption of households and business investment, since before change of scene perception, can be encouraged to reduce their precautionary behaviors. Thus, the prophecies of recovery are prophesy investors are would be auto met. Thus, what is observed in stock markets gives rise to hope with a speedy recovery of the global economy before a change of mood that translates into greater demand. But be careful with the risks that can generate an excessive optimism (if that is what is happening), since extreme behaviors of investors may give rise to destabilizing movements in the markets. Thus, it seems a win-win situation can transformed into an element that hinders economic recovery goals.

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A nuclear war will be a war created by the intellect. Intellect has its usefulness but, unfortunately, it has become the owner of all your being. This has caused many problems in the world. This owner is hidden behind these three things: the body, the mind, the heart. The owner is behind the three; that is your being. You never you go inwards; all thy ways leading to the outside, all your senses lead to the outside.

All your achievements are out there in the world. The intellect is useful in the world and all your educational systems are only techniques to avoid the heart and drive your energies directly at your head. The heart can cause him problems at the head; the heart knows nothing of logic. The heart has a totally different mode, intuition. You know love but love is worthless in the world merchandise.

Known beauty, but what is the beauty in the world?.-nature has adopted the instinct. Everytime interfieres in instinct think perversions. This is what they have done all religions; every religion has been interfering in the body but the body is completely innocent, has never done anything wrong. If you accept the body into your naturally, this will help you a lot. It will help your heart, it will feed your heart. It will help your intelligence to deepen because the food of the intellect comes from the body, food from the heart comes from the body. If your head, your heart and your body are in harmony, finding your being will be the easiest thing in the world. However, there is conflict, you’re wasting your life in that conflict between instinct, intellect and intuition. -The wise person is one that creates harmony between head, heart and body. In this harmony one comes to the revelation of the source of life itself, to the Centre, to the soul.

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