Professional Association

“Trade associations and professional societies to consult in Frankfurt on the subject of quality standards and quality assurance from concern for the therapeutic freedom of the practitioner profession professional bodies and professional associations on Saturday, November 2, 2008, to a quality Forum have practitioner” found together. Concerns, prompted what us the political public sphere with regard to risk defense and consumer protection against bears, and also internal requests to the quality standards of our profession. “Aim was to advise the instructions in three working groups the GMK (health Ministerial Conference) already since the mid-1990s in connection with the special therapy directions” have made the subject of discussion: 1 offer (the naturopath services) 2. For even more details, read what Hyundai says on the issue. valuation methods 3. Additional information at Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX supports this article. imparting knowledge 4. quality requirements 5. quality assurance 6 patient protection 7 patient information 8 profession in particular on the subject of quality assurance was an exchange took place with the aim of co-ordinated use already established systems and their further development. “The quality Forum naturopath” agreed to continue this fruitful dialogue 2009. “The quality Forum naturopath” Invites all interested associations and professional societies to constructive cooperation. Contact practitioner quality Forum”: participants: AGAHP (Arbeitsgemeinschaft of anthroposophical Naturopaths) AGTCM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur classic acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine) BDH (Federal of German Naturopaths) BKHD (classical homeopaths of Germany, incl. BKHD purpose operating federal) HPGO3 (naturopath society for ozone therapy) Lachesis (Lachesis, Professional Association for practitioners) SHZ (homeopathy certificate Foundation) SWH (Association for supervision and continuing education in the homeopathy) UDH BWu (Union of German healers, Landesverband Baden-Wurttemberg e.V.) VKHD (Association classical homeopaths of in Germany)