Madrid University

Degree in advertising to enter the Faculty of communication sciences must be prepared for one of the most requested careers today, but if you want to enter to become a publicist because will have to do much work to be able to highlight among your peers. You usually find in communication science journalists but not many know that there are a large proportion who are publicists, they usually end with a degree in advertising or public relations, race quite interesting if you want to enter a company. To find a good advertising University you have to go to Madrid, where many companies are willing to hire publicists, but something that we recommend is that once you’ve finished your studies you can extend you with a double degree and learn more about what would be the management of a company. Once you’ve found a Madrid University will begin your training, in which the early years will have an education a little more oriented to communication, which is but then you separated from the group to show you clearly what is advertising. Then you can graduate and until you have the title of Integral communication applied to which you’ll theoretical and practical courses, but do not worry that not everything will be theory, creativity, design, marketing in all its forms is not secrets, provided him the necessary attention in all its facets. You must require a University that is at the forefront of technology since there are now many ways to advertise, for example Internet advertising and online marketing is one of the works more orders lately, so we cannot leave aside that in our education. Source: Press release sent by kmus.