Experience has shown that new values are not assumed by the staff. That may be no different because the staff at the development were not included. Hardly an employee finds himself therefore with his Wert(e)vorstellungen in such a mission and can not identify, thus also with the corporate values. Is still often criticized by the staff that management not believeable lives its values and standards. The insufficient operationalization can cause violations of the prescribed assets, based on a more or less comprehensive set of rules to be sanctioned.
There are companies in which you made a lot of work and effort, a mission statement to create and professionally communicate this internally and externally, but the desired business success is still. Studies by Gallup confirm loyalty, commitment and job satisfaction of surveyed employees through their findings regarding that there is straight and still very high untapped potential among employees. Values are a factor for entrepreneurial success most of all so far present empirical studies come to the conclusion that there is a correlation between corporate culture and business success. Here, one can assume that a value-driven corporate culture is cause for greater business success. According to a survey (Kienbaum, 2009/2010) that 19% of the companies surveyed put no defined corporate culture, 47% partially involved in the implementation, 32% more likely implement them revealed himself and only 2% of the companies surveyed make really serious with the implementation. (Summary of the author) In a long-term study have Kotter and J. Heskett, j. 1991 Professors of from Harvard Business School, found 1 that value-driven companies had a four times higher revenue growth over a period of 11 years 2 that the stock price twelve times more rose as the price of comparable companies without a living value management. Values have an effective impact on the operating result in Germany was recently especially examining (2003) known by Booz Allen Hamilton, asked 150 leading companies in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.