In my last article law of attraction and how to modify the destination, left seated as a premise that the subconscious travels through time to get envelope warning with intuition, so we change certain acts of our present that would imply the modification of what was our destination preset until that moment. And so in this article I was going to continue with that concept explaining its scientific sense to develop the postulates of quantum physics. For this purpose I shall give a very brief introduction of quantum physics, then each of you investigate in greater depth this science, dwell on the topic would be a lack of respect for you and the scientists who study such matters. Quantum physics owes its name to the quantum or cuantum, which is how they call power packs that make up the last and smallest of the part of the subject. We know that is the Atom with its subatomic particles: protons, neutron and the electron then these in turn consist of these packages that are pure energy. The particularity that have these power packs and that differentiate it from particles preceding him is have no defined behavior and constant as the rest of the known matter for us. On these power packs are said be a probability of existence at various points in space and time, because when they are put under observation pass from wave to particle physics.
Whereas when we withdrew the observation point they become again a probability of existence. He is also said that these power packs have own intelligence, because they modify their existence before each new observation. The few have the possibility of modifying its position in time and space to its own decision. I.e., when observed and analyzes a how much it changes position instantly (e.g. from point A to point B) and appears in another physical point at a later time without you had to go the distance between both points.