Luis Pancorbo

The guerrilla strategies are a type of strategy military designed to debilitate to the enemy through one long series of smaller attacks. More than to commit itself in great battles, a force of guerrillas is divided in small groups that attack of selective form the objective in their weaker points. To be effective, the teams of guerrillas must be able to fall back enter attack and attack. The generic form of strategy includes a repeated sequence of attacks, retired and concealments practiced in series. ” is said that; guerrilla forces never win the wars, but that their adversaries lose them generally Definitively it indicates Luis Pancorbo in the strategy of guerrilla marketing requires that all the areas of the company, of small that this one is, are in favor united behind the same objective.

The information that has the different areas must be shared so that from this synergy positive results arise. Another very valuable tool to which the SMEs can remove much benefit to him will be the alliances. To associate to us with other companies behind a common and shared objective, adding efforts and sharing results, usually is a very interesting alternative. A productive example of this association can be the joint publicity, where several complementary companies can be united to contract, during a period of time, diverse pages of publicity. With this shared formula, the publicity will be more sale. Finally it remembers to us, Christian Willat, executive director of investors Angels of east Chile type of marketing is a strategy that uses unusual, provocative ways, of high effectiveness and very low cost.

In their opinion, also some principles in the guerrilla marketing are due to consider, as they are it: to identify a segment of sufficiently small market to defend, (using criteria like geographic, the demographic one or it trains vertical); not to act like leaders of the market since it is possible to be grown in out of proportion form and to be hit directly in an increase of fixed costs. And finally, to have agility to enter or to leave the combat, where the guerrilla company can enter a market niche more quickly to take an opportunity business. * Annotations ctera marketing research: Virtual classroom, Area postgraduate, Phases, University of Carabobo.