Kulinaristen Realize Cooperation

“Start-Up realized cooperation with RohKostlich, a leading provider of raw food with managing director Nelly Reinle Carayon, one of the renowned raw food to progenitors on the quality of the goods on germinated: I’m impressed, particularly by the quality of the quinoa we took them directly with us in the programme”. Are offered in the online shop rohkoestlich the seedlings (sunflowers, quinoa) raw food quality and also the gourmet mustards of Kulinaristen are both directly to buy the vital food store in Speyer and ordered online. On our cold-pressed, vegan gourmet mustards, we are particularly proud”so Birgit Roth, the Managing Director of Kulinaristen. Here is the quality of the product. All our mustards are gluten-free, gently cold pressed and made carefully after Swiss recipe. The different flavors of mustard with Schabziger Klee, a speciality from the Switzerland, up to Senfen with better-known flavours, such as Curry, paprika, with fresh Sage, black pepper to the Gourmet mustard with cinnamon, we try to depict every gustatory desire. The different gourmet mustards and raw vegetable oils could be tried at the leading trade fair for a raw food diet. The new brand was very well accepted by the customers.

We were very pleased with the first sale”Birgit Roth. The Kulinaristen in your own online shop selling directly to the end customer, are also interested in another dealer contacts when other retailers would remove the goods of Kulinaristen. For us, it is something special that we were able to convince the head of raw food school kulinRoh, Nelly Reinle Carayon, of the special quality of our products and that she used this parallel in their BistRoh in the preparation of gourmet raw food meals and offers in their shop. For us, this is a big step on the long road to place a new brand of raw food in Germany. To find the Kulinaristen under in the network, developed a new label for high quality food and raw food.

Who products under the “Trademarks the Kulinaristen ‘ purchases can be sure that they contain no flavour enhancers, no dyes and preservatives and no artificial binders. The raw food online shop is DE-eco-007 bio certified and has the ability to be used on the international raw food fair in the Speyer City Hall with it and to present its products. The brand of the Kulinaristen is specializes in gluten – free and lactose-free products, and can be viewed in the shop. Products are local and fair trade already in preparation. The start-up has the aim of sustainability in all areas of business, is certified according to en-eco-007 shipped Co2 neutral and uses strength based, compostable bags.