Munich, October 2009 practical solution proposals instead of theoretical recommendations. With about 20 years of proven industry experience relies on traceable business strategies that can be implemented, set the course for the future and actually make a profit”Werner Pehland. The Publisher Pro and ex – Managing Director of WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co.KG has become independent and offers under the name pehland publishing consulting”services to consulting and interim management. The third business field includes lecture activities. As expert for the reorganisation and reorientation of publishers Werner Pehland gaze its the one on the cost side and their optimization capabilities, on the other hand, but mostly on the opportunities that offer the online channels”. Just the product development with a focus on online products requires his observation after many publishers “an intensification of the effort that must be aimed not only at product development, but also or perhaps even before all domestic distribution and pricing policies include must”. Now so pehland publishing advice after the stations of UB MEDIA AG (Chairman), WEKA (Managing Director) and society for management information GmbH & co.
OHG (GWI, Managing Director)”. According to PACA, nothing will change at the core of his work: it is about the customers added value and permanently sustainable results. If you’re careful, right bottom line. also the profit for all parties involved” More questions will be happy to provide: Werner Pehland Damien street 23 81667 Munich phone 089 / 20 32 86 46 E-mail:.