CLazans State

of Oliveira (he always visited it in its residence), Member of the house of representatives Emilio de Vasconcelos Coast, Member of the house of representatives Vasconcelos Coast, Member of the house of representatives RenTo Azeredo, Member of the house of representatives Wilson Tanure, amongst several others, rectilinear in its particular, worthy life with its coreligionists, honest with the public, Faithful money to the Republican Party and the friendships forged in the corridors of the State legislature and Palace of the Government of IF. He runs discrete that the Gov Friend. Eronides, in a transaction politics when of the Blow of Getlio Vargas, it arrived to offer 1 Notary’s office for the friend, this of soon and fidiciary office refused fearing to spot its name. It was annulled as all in the 1.937 for Getlio Vargas, never more returned to the Legislative one from its State, but it left signed the State Constitution of Sergipe and occupied with galhardia Tribune Vice-presidency of the Legislative House that as much loved. (State Constitution of Sergipe 1,935) 3. THE SOLID FRIENDSHIP WITH PRESIDENT ARTHUR BERNARDES & OAK GOVERNOR ERONIDES As he was said previously, Dr. OrLando Ribeiro, in the condition of son supplied and only heir of the CLazans & Ribeiro, as well as Doctor with After Graduation in France & Politician State deputy for the PR, enjoyed of innumerable ' ' friendships ' ' , it knew authorities, politicians of reputation, frequented the Palace of the Government, enjoyed of the conviviality of countenances and perssonLidades of all the ways of the society, but one will namely give to emphasis the Two friendships and historical convivncia that it had: ) Dr. Eronides Blacksmith of Oak – Governor of Sergipe, had 1 solid and fraterna friendship with Dr. OrLando, says that the Sergipana politics was taken for its hands, the press of the time exhaustingly proclaimed the union of the two politicians, a Governor of Sergipe, another State deputy (the commentary is that the Government was leader in Assembly) was common the free one transits of the Member of the house of representatives in the corridors of the Palace of Government of the Sergipe, counts more if, that the Governing friend wanted to presentear Dr.