
Times behind circulated for there, undersigned and many e.mails. It was a movement pro-citizenship, with the objective to create a law that allowed in them to come back to believe in the eligibility principles, as criterion for the democracy. Result: the law left, but he was troncha, it limps, malandra as many other casusticas laws that if produced in this country of make of account. We, the people who paid tax and vote, do not understand of law, are only victims of them. What we, the Brazilian people, desired was not very. It was only that some small things were forbidden that we, the people, true owners it to be able, consider important.

We wanted a law that if based on our values. But our values are different of the values of that they make the laws. We believe what the legislators and the ones that make to fulfill the law already do not know more what he is. Still we believe honesty; we believe solidarity; we want to continue to believe in justice even so the laws do not allow in them. We want to keep the confidence in the institutions, but each day that passes we discover new reasons stops disappointing in them; the cases are not few where we attend the created institutions to assure our welfare, to be turned against us: we invent public security and this in the ones of the fear; we invent public health and this in the bush; we create public education and this turned a nest rats E, to get worse, the law has in the attacked as much that already we doubt its value and of its utility it stops defending in them. In the same way that we doubt the institutions that produce and fiscalize the fulfilment of the laws. Mainly because we only see benesses of the law being enjoyed by the outlaws.