
I knew just about all of their existence, enjoyed me almost in a kind of all-encompassing knowledge, and yet this was not ascertainable from my physical sense organs, but viewed from a sensory perception of, which is not erklarbar in words and which integrated the physical in some way. My connection to the Eagles was established at a very specific level now in the meantime, and I felt like they recorded communications with me, how their inaudible cry asked me to follow them and to learn from them. It was now increasingly to feel their teacher-pupil relationship with me, and it did me the certainty that I myself in society find love and security. Terrain the scene had now almost unnoticed turns into a wild forest, and I was umringt by huge trees. Meanwhile, though I could see the two not yet clearly outlined, a deep trust, a binding to my mother and my father, God and goddess, was built to my spirituellen teachers.

In other words, I couldn’t see it always yet, at least not in this way as I look ‘ was used, but their existence and their connection to me had solidified, had become a real size. A non-verbal level they made it clear now me, that I would have to go up on one of the trees, so me praktisch them to move should, erlernen flying by them. Since I came to me despite the unusual nature of the perception that their own true, identified me all the time at the same time still with my humanness, me that somehow strange before. Was still there, although I advanced just an experience Bewusstheit had, the narrow-minded notion exists, that I am a human being and that I finally can not fly. And this Eagle just birds, is something we take for granted for the flies that are I so never could identify me at this level with them, but just with my so called human being. This image was not afraid occupied or encumbered with other emotions.