One of them was to be to marry and to be happy. A pretty prince imagined appearing in the horizon mounted in a white horse, taking it for the arms and following for one castle where they would live forever joined. For 1965 return, already with its 18 years knew a youngster? Mrcio? an employee of the Coffee ' ' Verde' gold; ' , one of the properties of Fernando Mantovani, located in the end of the Arapongas Avenue. Fernando never accepts namoro, alleging that, for being inheriting of a considerable patrimony, he could not be married a simple laborer, as was called. Marcio fought to change the vision of Fernando, however, nothing it advanced and the man remained itself irreducible. Catherine understood the feeling of the son, but wise person of whom nothing she had to its reach to make the husband to come back behind. Learn more on the subject from Linkedin.
Salom defied the father, threatening it to run away with the boyfriend in case that its romance continued to be rejected, what in nothing it advanced. Fernando was one of the men richest and powerful of the region, owner of many plantations of coffee, when the product was in the height. Its patrimony grew each time e, confident more, invested to all the richness in this segment, believing to be the coffee its gold mine. They were not said in another subject; in all colloquy wheels, ' ' gold verde' ' it predominated. The time passed.
Fond the year of 1975, Salom already had finished the romance with Mrcio for diverse times, retaking namoro immediately afterwards, until a notice shook the structures of the family. Salom disclosed that she was pregnant, leaving its father enclosed ahead of the situation where if it saw debtor to accept the marriage of its youngest child, after already to have married the too much children: Luiza with Seting, Carolina with Sundays and Mrcia with Joo. Already the 1975 Salom and as Adentrava semester she was you give to give birth. After the marriage and of all the difficulties faced in elapsing of last the ten years, since that Marcio knows, she perceived that the child dreams did not pass of illusions and that the happiness seemed to be still very distant, what was not enough to discourage it. Still she kept hopes in its heart. Amanhecia day 18 of July of 1975 in the araponguense horizon. While in the paranaense capital the snow filled the fields with its beauty, flooding the eyes with the esplendor of the white and humid landscape, the cold wind and icecream cut all been. To the north, each drop fallen on the verdejantes plantations ardia as fire on the coffee plantations. The sun shone and melted the snow on leves, making to drain frozen water for the pecolos, announcing the tears that would be spilled so soon perceived the extension of the tragedy. It was the left-hand side frost that decimated millions of feet of the coffee in the north of the state of the Paran in that fatdico day, causing a true economic cataclysm and causing a great contraction for the region of Londrina and Maring. Arapongas, in way to this process, also suffered sadly with the happened one. Probably, many people if had not given account of the size of the tragedy and the social disaster that event would bring. While the curitibanos commemorated the snow, the cafeicultores of the north cried the loss of its main ativid