Brief history. Ford Falcon was managed already makes most of half a century (July 1957) in workshops Ford Motor Company estaunidenses, there began to work in a compact car of 6 cylinders capable of accommodating comfortably 6 passengers.The first compact from Ford was born under the name of Ford Falcon or simply Falcon late in 1959. Versions that was marketed in that market were: Sedan, four door, Sedan, two-door, Coupe, Convertible, Ranchero, Delivery, Rural. The Falcon though of smaller size than its rivals at the time, I had all the virtues necessary to satisfy the American user requiring a car, speed, comfort and enough space to comfortably carry six people. In its country of origin the Falcon underwent many changes line that kept it growing over the idea for which was conceived. In our country the fate of the Falcon was different and knew how to stay faithful for 30 years while retaining the original lines FALCON to the Argentina.
The story of the Falcon in Argentina begins in the year 1961 when Ford Motor Argentina imported two Falcon Standard of that line to try them and adapt them to our roads and routes. Finally after a year of work and adaptations begins the import amount of the 1962 Falcon. These Falcon were imported and entering the country unarmed to be then assembled in the factory that Ford had in the mouth. ..Should be noted that the official presentation of the Falcon was performed in the Teatro Gran Rex in February 1962, after this was made known for all Argentines, they saw this car as a machine capable of withstanding shocks or demands which could be subjected (was known as AGUANTADOR and hard). This line of Falcon is commercialized in our country until July 15, 1963, day left the plant in Pacheco first unit of Ford Falcon made in Argentina, the 1963 Falcon already has wide Stud and is at this time when the Falcon takes out citizenship Argentina and becomes part of the life of all Argentines for 30 years, from 1962 to 1991 the Falcon He suffered six restayling, which is seeking to modernize the car but without drastically changing its outward appearance, he knew how to preserve its original lines in 1962 and arrived at 1991 staying true to its roots, so in his thirties and after almost half a million units sold, the Falcon knew how to keep his spirit and the same essence that was conceived in its origins.