
A counselor is used to the giftedness for the German-speaking Europe our helpline seeking advice parents, responsible educators and interested educators at work with gifted children. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Liberty Life. We are 5 years now and have many connections with national and international trade portals and through the establishment of the European network for the highly gifted of AlphGenius”the following offer constantly available: educational instructions for working with gifted and talented children recommendations for social competence of education and education support proposals for the holistic promotion of talents mediation of territorial contact person for the directly help prior to place literature recommendations and suggestions on creative toys for gifted providing of our database for forwarding of those affected Contact addresses for intelligence test, diagnosis, therapy, coaching, facilities promoting talent, international contacts also for seeking advice from Austria and the courses Switzerland large space is given to national and international schools with gifted education, and also national and international foundations and support works for the gifted on our Web page. Thus two of the most comprehensive overviews are created and available to do so. Our project of AlphGenius”has proven with his central concern, to form a strategic partnership of professionals to the highly gifted. This is particularly the case, because we have included the important sector with real task, namely the parents associations, parent initiatives and communities of interest. In the two years of its existence, 33 partners have opted for a free membership. GENIUS giftedness is embedded in a composite of profiled professionals who are connected on solid knowledge and experience base for a common theme at the end of the shoulder. Hereby, we thank all visitors to our Web site, our trusty link partners and network members, as well as the numerous stakeholders in the 5.Jahr of our existence and People who like to have searched our Council. “Upper secondary school teacher Dipl.paed.Thomas Hannah member of the Arbeitskreis talent research and endowment development” More information: quick contact to the Web page: quick contact to the network: