Spanish Anniversary

The Soviets were invariably interested in Spanish culture. Do not they overlooked any important anniversaries of literature, theatre, painting? music of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the 75-80, after the restoration of diplomatic relations? cultural with Spain? the creation of the Association Urss-espana. Do appends it to the Board of Directors of this Association of friendship he worked actively a Commission for literature? Spanish art. Another, for the Integral of the Iberian cultures study, worked annexed to the Council scientific’s history of the culture world of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Gueorgui Stepanov, corresponding member of the Academy heads it. This Commission had sections in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev? Tbilisi. It coordinated the efforts of all Soviet hispanists, dealing with studying? disclose the advances of the Spanish culture.

A great contribution to publicize the Soviet reader the masterpieces of poetry, the prose? does progress, art, literary publishers gave the Spanish dramaturgy? Science. The 350 anniversary of the death of the eminent poet of the century XVII Luis de Gongora? Argote, the 200th anniversary of the publication of the Cantar de mio Cid? the 400 anniversary of the birth of Francisco de Quevedo? do had other events been commemorated with the edition of books, organising exhibitions? solemn meetings. That year marked the 300th anniversary of the death of the great Spanish playwright of the era of Baroque Pedro Calderon de la Barca, who had died in Madrid in May 25, 1681, at the age of 80 years. Pedro Calderon de la Barca, he lived? He wrote his works in the 17TH century, the era of dramatic collisions. The 80 years of the last century his works acquired new nuances in tune with our times. The three centuries elapsed had highlighted the most significant, universal? human of his dramas. Calderon was one of the first writers of Europe that appealed to the monarchy of peace (the statue of Prometheus).