Quit Smoking Crete !

Many people smoke cigarettes out of habit. Surely, if you are a smoker, you may notice that some of the moments of your life you can not submit without a cigarette. For example, some people will always smoke after meals, before meals, on morning in the bathroom before bedtime, or always smoke it in 18.47 … The number of these examples can be endless. You’ve probably heard about innovation – the electronic cigarette. You can buy a reusable electronic cigarette cheap – only 1,000 rubles, with delivery across Russia.

Some say that they help to quit smoking – it’s true. In the process of smoking the electronic cigarette is not burning process – therefore the body does not enter the resin and other heavy materials, which are deposited in the lungs of a smoker and will result in consequences that you can read on the new cigarette packs. But in the electronic cigarette, all standard equipment, there is a cartridge in which contains nicotine. Thus, we understand that the electronic cigarette can not help you quit smoking, but only replaces the conventional cigarette. Of course the transition to e-smoking is clearly a positive impact on your the body, but you smoke it and not throw.

But nobody ever said that to quit smoking easily. Electronic cigarettes greatly help you with this business, but will not do anything for you. The choice is always! Maybe not immediately, but gradually you can go, first on the cartridges with the average nicotine content, and later with a small … In the end, you can start smoking electronic cigarettes without nicotine – are absolutely harmless. ‘ll Just inhale the steam is like breathe vapor at the boiling kettle. The meaning of the transition to electronic cigarettes is that you win the first physical dependence, and abstain from nicotine – with time you realize that you can do without nicotine. Then, you can win a psychological dependence. You can continue to smoke the electronic cigarette without nicotine. In the end, you have lost dependence on nicotine. You will continue to smoke, but it will not be so smoking that before. In the future you will think and answer the question, “can be to quit smoking?”, And yet you will not be fragile without a cigarette, psychological dependence, too, will disappear with time. Thus, smoking electronic cigarette nicotine without You can quit smoking.