Management can and must learn from economics Bonn/Dusseldorf – sized recommends closely to clear performance criteria to link the deployment of officers to senior positions. In a ruling published last week, the Constitutional Court had declared awarding leadership offices on time in the civil servant under the scheme of the North Rhine-Westphalian land law on civil servants (LBG) unconstitutional. The Bundesverband SMEs (BVMW) in NRW points out that this means but not the departure from the principle of performance. Rather, the Federal Constitutional Court wanted to protect officials from random political influence. So it is said in the press release of the Constitutional Court: contrary to the expressed objective is tailored to the regulation of 25B LBG North Rhine-Westphalia not on strengthening the capacity of, but lacks performance-related design elements.
A second term, a later appointment to lifetime or a back to basic Office are in the Coupled rule not to service provided by the officials. It is rather to be feared that the decision by foreign power political considerations could be determined. The provision is also not designed to allow the sanctioning of decreasing services. The non-renewal of the term is not dependent on performance degradation by facts.” The BVMW urges the provincial government to develop clear performance criteria and to use. To Herbert Schulte of the BVMW NRW in economics, the instrument of the target agreement is in use for years. Every consultant knows it. topic. Here, can and must learn the management of the economy. The only alternative would be to give for example principal positions only to employees.