Marketing Association

Since the 1.1.2012, the newly founded aurigus GmbH under guidance of industry experts Birgit Wahl and Ulf Thomas offers solutions to lead generation, customer acquisition and cross-selling. The multichannel marketing services provider throws away many years of experience and high-quality network partnerships in the Pan so that from the start, when it comes to generating new customers and leads with high probability of response for company. Its customers the potential of existing customers, better prospects and profit game participant, will support aurigus but also help. Proven cross-selling mechanisms are used, by, for example, relevant partner offers are selected and integrated into existing customer actions. The aurigus GmbH as independent target group specialist also advises with own dialogue campaigns in the areas of postal, telephone, email, online – or supplement advertising with individual target groups and Adressvorschlagen. Quality and durability of new customers in focus “professional multichannel marketing is today half a century bring industry expertise. Birgit Wahl, born in 1960, is almost 30 years of experience in the dialogue marketing business at home. It has developed on the one hand dialogue campaigns in the online and offline customer page.

Fields were on the publishing, insurance and financial services industry. On the other hand it has demonstrated their skills in designing and managing services in dialog marketing. Last, she founded the a + s adressmanagement GmbH in 2006 and ran until December 2011 as managing partner these and the a + s together with two other partners DialogGroup GmbH. Birgit Wahl is Deputy Chairman of the list Council, in which renowned list broker and independent List Manager are organized in the German dialogue Marketing Association E.v. (DDV).

Considered experienced specialist and consultant in the target group marketing. Ulf Thomas, born in 1971, has been working since 1995 in the dialogue and call center industry. Originally coming from the financial sector were the focus of his professional from the mid-1990s in the Telecommunications and lottery sector. Since 2005, he developed concepts as founder and managing partner of the full service provider SSC United GmbH for acquiring new customers and carries out high-volume up – and cross-selling campaigns. For the experienced Dialogmarketer and call-center experts, the aurigus GmbH is a future-oriented extension of these performance areas. The aurigus GmbH, headquartered in Stuttgart was founded in 2012 as a multichannel marketing service provider dialog marketing and call-centre experts Birgit Wahl and Ulf Thomas background information of aurigus GmbH. For the German, Austrian and Swiss market, the company develops individual solutions for customer acquisition and lead generation. Large-volume campaigns for shipping trade, the media, telecommunications and profit game industry as well as the insurance and financial services sector stand in the foreground. Moreover, proven cross-selling mechanisms used for aurigus customers, to better exploit their customer stocks and Generate additional sales. This sets the aurigus GmbH not only on your own project managers and IT professionals, but draws on an extensive network of cross-selling partners, product partners, and call centers. Also the company as independent target group specialist offers appropriate multichannel addresses for dialog actions from the area post, telephone, email or insert advertising. A broad instrument uses in online-marketing aurigus classic banner ads to the use of cost-per-click models for lead and sales generation. A trusting and reliable handling of consumer data is guaranteed by strict control and quality assurance processes. There is more information about the company and its services on the Internet at.