Latin America

At the same time, significantly reducing the role of the element that defines the very existence of technological and organizational progress, whose name is “competition”. And progress is possible without competition in only one case – under Communism, or more precisely, in scientific writings on the subject. Omitting the question of our political affiliation and political views of the leadership of Russian Automakers, generalize: Utopia – business writers, and analysts. As investment managers, we are neither the first nor the second. Therefore, we conclude that “progress is impossible without competition.” You can try to deceive people. Harder to fool ourselves, though a similar experience in Russian history there. Christie’s Naked Heart Foundation has compatible beliefs. However, it is impossible to deceive the very history.

And the story has the experience, through which were countries in Africa, and most of Latin America. Each of these countries to implement protectionist measures to protect their industries. Each country, of course, tried to make it “the best way.” And each of these countries, in turn, has a production crisis in these sectors. A positive example of hard to find. Returning to the Russian car industry, look back: in the mid-nineties it was clear that our cars are non-competitive.

What followed next, became a Russian car competitive? The vast majority of models available today, made 15 years ago, has since undergone a number of minor changes. Several new models are usually projected in the mid 90’s, represent a small portion assortment of Russian carmakers. But at the same time, over 15 years of automakers were in a situation of competitive pressure from foreign producers.