Prominence also in this new was for the participation of the external capital as majority, as much in the base of the productive chain, how much in the final resale of parts. Beyond the reflected fiscal pressure of the person from de state of espirito santo adhesion to the regimen of substitution tax and the imported spraying of vehicles and parts. (SEBRAE/ES, 2009) Regional Great Victory In recent years the evolution of the sector of autopeas in Brazil followed the trend of the sales of new vehicles. On the other hand, the isolated companies had been more sensible to the conjunctural changes of the period. These changes had in recent years been decurrent of the economic conjuncture that would take the Government to take more rigid actions of protection against importation and incentives for the purchase of new and half-new vehicles. Exactly thus, a shock in the sales was inevitable. On Institutions to the Government had been more optimistical in its constataes: As for the year of 2008 in relation the 2007 presented a profit of productivity of (22.7%), in the internal sales (26.2%), in the total of sales (21.6%) and in the circulating fleet (16.6%).
The production if concentrates in the state of So Paulo (71.2%) and the too much states contribute with 28,8%. (SEBRAE/ES, 2009, P. 4) In any way, this dynamics has a direct influence in the retail of parts spare, a time that, when effecting the exchange in the concessionaires the consumers launch in the market automobile used. These goods constitute a market in frank expansion for the companies of autopeas. On the other hand, the sector starts to characterize for sensitivity the prices and terms of payment.