The secret is in a correct evaluation of the current reality and the external environment. After that, they must be verified as these information direct the entrepreneur for a focus and as this if it connects with the mission and the vision of futuro' '. It continues, ' ' made this, the necessary planning to changed itself into practical actions. I would say that, thus acting, the credibility conquered in the past lines up, with the reality of the moment and the dreams of amanh' '. Part from there, the information efficiency that uses research, to measure the satisfaction of the customer and the quality of the given service.
As Souza (P. 01, 2010), ' ' for the retention of the customers and the conquest of the same ones, the procedures below correspond to these perspectivas' ': 1) Takes care of the customers as it would like that it was taken care of. 2) the secret of the success of a mark is the satisfaction of the customer. 3) the secret of the good attendance is to work with heart, to know the product and to enumerate its differentials. It adds, ' ' the customers alone go to acquire some product or service, if the price will be compatible with the benefits receber' '.
Soon, the more the collaborator to know the product, better will leave itself in the argument with the customer, also remembering that it is essential to know the necessities of the market well. 7 JUSTIFICATION In the current scene, mainly in developing countries as Brazil, Small the Average Companies play a role of prominence in the economy. The PMEs in many situations of uncertainties and refluxo of the economy propitiate a economic stability, becoming minimum its negative effect on the great companies. The PMEs acts in activities with low intensity of capital and high intensity of man power.