Emergency Vehicle Opening

Certainly, each of motorists familiar with the situation, when a variety of circumstances, lost the only copy car keys, the keys remain in a closed car, in a word you find in extremely difficult situation. This material is not a guide to the dissection of cars with their hands – on the contrary, a balanced argument and consideration of the reasons for doing it yourself is not necessary. So, let's consider possible options for your actions. Try to discover the car and make it you can own, without professional help. In this case, the problem can be divided into two logical parts: penetrate inside and start the car. View the car in several ways: the key (but within the framework of this material, we are faced with a situation where it's not), smashing a window (before you do this, we recommend first contact with the dealership, servicing your car, and learn about the next date of recording the service and the availability of glass for your car in stock), and open one of the locks the car affordable for you.

It is unlikely that in this case you will have with them the necessary professional tools for opening locks, and what ye shall possess the necessary skills. Likely to recall previously viewed movies, you become a search for a long, narrow metal object resembling a school ruler, and try to slip it between the door and the rubber-sealing glass, trying to influence the mechanism of the door opening. Reveal car, for example domestic production, without damage, can, using the wire length is one meter. At one end of the wire is bent about 5 cm, after which it must pass through a seal door at the top. If the keys are in the car – turn off the alarm will not be difficult, but if they lost – is more complicated and goes beyond the material in this article. For purposes of this material, we assume that the penetration of the passenger compartment was successful. The task is complicated in that case, if the only set of keys after all was lost, so start the car with the key does not seem possible.

Again, remembering the American cinema, you can try to find a bunch of wires under the steering wheel and assume that you are able to find it. What's next? Pick off all the wires and try to do it at random? Doubtful. By this time you had to fully assess the chances of handwritten autopsy car and abandon the idea. Perhaps the only sensible option in this situation is to call a specialist on opening locks of cars without any damage. In 90% of cases, call the master ensures the safety of the castle and its continued operation. The remaining 10% of cases apply to situations where parts of the castle have physical damage or defects. In case of loss of key specialist can make a duplicate key for your car and synchronize it with your car's immobilizer. But remember, in the case of a specialist, a condition for the works is the presence of the applicant's documents confirming the ownership vehicle, but in their absence, a prerequisite is the presence of a policeman and the applicant at the opening car. Another important mention is that the master of lock picking car successfully cope well with a safe, reinforced and door locks. But again, only in the presence of an apartment owner or premises.