Zurich People

Frankfurt/Vienna / Zurich, May 26, 2010: Over a third of search queries of the Personensuchmaschine Yasni aimed at the search for suitable people to terms. The Personensuchmaschine has last autumn yasni.de as first supplier worldwide successfully positioned Web-based people search using terms in the market. On the basis of any keywords such as occupation, location, company, or ability experts on specific topics or competitors can be searched with first free targeted new business partners, qualified employees. While shortly after the launch of the new people search, yet 9 out of 10 searches involved the background search by name, is now wanted in over one-third of searches for suitable persons to specific terms. With the first background research in addition the reputation and qualifications of found persons can be checked quickly and easily. The current development shows that we are on a good way to establish ourselves as a guide for the service provider and expert search in the net.

The users can realize We offer a substantial added value with people search compared to traditional search engines, closed networks or cumbersome business directories in paper form”, explains Yasni CEO Ruhl. Against this background is reversed it to be increasingly important, sufficiently visible to the relevant key words on the net for candidates or experts. To optimize their own visibility and presence on the Web, first offers a free people-Expose under ex pose. About first names with the first search engine anyone can free Internet far right people key words such as company, profession, location, and all the information about one’s own or other people. Registered users can consolidate their information even with an own free Expose and actively present themselves to matching keyword in the search results. Yasni is management with 30 million queries a month the most popular starting point for people search and reputation. Contact Florian Schutz yasni GmbH email: phone: 0177 -.