New Forest Land

Three committees have entered the scene, the first conducted in October 2007 under the direction of the Head of Planning, Natural Resources and Biodiversity (Parco Flores), who in his report shows alarming new data invasions Forest Protection San Matias San Carlos, in the nascent and head of azupizu nazarategui also reported that the existence of invasive trails (trails Branches crafted by timber dealers and land) the point of entry is Autie port a “Pichanaki where is installed the first self-defense base, formed by communities around the FECONA a “ANAP, this is valid in a strengthening territorial agreements between these two indigenous organizations in the route the 13 hours, we reach the border limits between Junin and Pasco, that is, within Forest Protection, with the surprise finding of the presence of new settlements near San Luis de Shimaki, thus is raided by trail to the nascent stage Nazarategui and found the opening of new fields.

With recent installations of coffee and pasture Andean origin families settled here, who say they are merely pawns of others, and others whose show of concern is evident, when informed that the site where they are, belong to the protected forest. There were three briefings on land territory of the commission members, making known the limits of communities affiliated with the ANAP, with plans in place, but a group of smallholders have shown another plane plotted by hand which shows the non-existence of communities In this context, some communities as Tsonkirito, Valle Orito, Simbitachary, Parotoshari, have suffered severe invasions of ANAP 41Ordinario Congress, held in February 2008, has made statement against the illegal occupation of these areas, so it is expressed some contradictions with local government on the promotion of pathways and Invasive its first effects, as shown by the protagonists, the delegate of Miritiriani (Hector Chavez) has made it clear that the new approach promoted by the mayor of Puerto Bermudez, will impact on indigenous territory and irreversibly affect the ecosystems of this place emphasized that he comes from a place where to date no indigenous presence in the valley where perennial, Ashaninkas ancestrally occupied now by outsiders, the committee also gave some scope to avoid the increasing invasion, including the constitution empowers of a defense committee Ashaninka-denominated. .