Indian Solar Company, Omsun Pvt. Ltd. Relies On J.v.G Thoma GmbH

Ahmedabad/India 1.2 billion inhabitants, a predicted economic growth of nine percent for 2012 and great plans for the future. Hans and Ludwig Thoma, President and Vice President of the J.v.G. Thoma group, the new production facility inaugurated more than 100 invited guests. The inauguration was the occasion for intensive discussions between potential customers and politicians who discussed future projects. The annual output of the plant is 15 megawatts, 225 to 240-watt modules are produced. Participation has been agreed between J.v.G and Omsun, as well as the delivery of a second production line. J.v.G.

a permanent Office in Ahmedabad will set up also, to provide best possible technical support customers locally. With 2,300 to 3,000 hours of sunshine, India is predestined for the solar energy. The solar radiation per square kilometre is located at 200 megawatts. Managing Director Kourosh Goyal: India has for the energy mix an ambitious target set: in the next 10 years, the share of Renewable energy will increase to 20 GW. Ideal conditions for Omsun are”. In addition, that the State of Gujarat now occupies a leading position in the field of solar energy.

“So, it is planned that the capital Gandhinagar is a complete solar city” should be. “J.v.G. General Manager Hans Thoma: we are very proud that we are a medium-sized German company part of this huge solar upheaval in India.” To the J.v.G. Thoma group as a leader in the construction of turnkey solar plants J.v.G. Thoma GmbH with headquarters in Freystadt/Germany international is active and serves customers throughout Europe, America and Asia. If you would like to know more about Munear Ashton Kouzbari, then click here. The range of services includes consultancy in the field of solar production, the realization of solar factories as well as the purchase and sale of solar components.