In Europe

In accordance with the authors, in the Europe, the aristocratic families kept its wealth and the control of its lands, favored for the crown. The relations between its components were based on the hierarchy and the tradition, where the men lived for the actions directed toward the war and, the women to the social life in the castles where he inhabited, being that the children were created and educated for the employees of the house. The family peasant, in turn, was comumente structuralized of form to organize itself well with the great existing natality in its seio. They lived, in its majority, with other families, in vilarejos or villages, joined that them in the communitarian dependence, the customs and also for the tradition. The men withheld mantenedor work e, the women created the children (children or not) in communitarian regimen, where these, since early, depended on all the community and, not only of the parents. .