Systems Services

As Rotondaro (1997) the quality is necessary to face the challenges of the following years, to insert us in the diverse economic blocks, to take care of the requirements of the code of defense of the consumer, to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the services, and to satisfy the necessities and expectations of all the involved ones in the process (customers, suppliers, employees, community, government, environment etc.). Currently, already more quality only with unilateral fiscalization, controls, attitudes is not gotten among others. Still for the author above the quality in general is gotten mobilizing the people to always organize and to correspond to the necessities and the expectations of the customers and other involved in the process, looking for ' ' in superarmos' '. It is in the search of the fulfilment of established goals, that public organizations have implanted Systems of the Quality, since only laws, decrees and regulations do not guarantee that the requirements of the society are satisfied in consistent way. According to Rotondaro (1997) in the past, all the manufactured products were vendidos and it did not have concern with the offered services.

Currently, the things are moving. The four challenges (customers, competition, technology and legislation) are forcing the companies if to adaptarem. Nowadays, the companies have of being more sensible and operating, offering to better products and services and to continue if improving. The GQT increases the satisfaction of the customer, resulted of the improvement in the quality, and if it obtains this for the motivation of the employees and improving the way as the company operates. Although the changes, are many the organizations that still live accomodated. Some until relutam in moving, demonstrating, with this, a true incompetence on the part of the same ones. Still in Fields (2006) to improve products and services, it is necessary to satisfy the four requirements essential: to reduce the defects, to improve the productivity, to improve the attendance to the consumer and to innovate.