Real Profit

Retailers. If its company tributary operates in the regimen Real Profit, many is the organizacionais responsibilities to be followed. Of the internal errors that more happen in the fiscal management of these companies who operate in the Real Profit can detach seven that directly they raise the tributes inside of this regimen: 1? Not the accompaniment of the forecasts of collect of the PIS; 2? Not the accompaniment of the forecasts of collect of the COFINS; 3? Not the accompaniment of the forecasts of collect of the ICMS; 4? Not the accompaniment of the forecasts of collect of the ISLL; 5? Not the accompaniment of the forecasts of collect of GOING; 6? The disable of the operational system in the generation of fiscal reports that guide the operations of purchase and sales of commercialized merchandises; 7? The lack of a FISCAL PLANNING. If to verify the companies who longed for to minimize its tributes operating in this regimen, then we perceive that this joined number is jammed by the companies who are maximizing its tributes. The lack of a good organization still it is constancy in the reality of the commerce. An organization based on the necessities of a fiscal agreement tributary.

In great amount they are the contributors who contribute, but do not know what they contribute, because they contribute and so that they contribute. Exactly with so great disparity in that it is one of the countries with bigger world-wide tax burden, to search to understand and to learn the existing fiscal functioning of regimes he is something that can become in a competitive distinguishing fort. They think About this.