
Innovation like central activity of the Organizations In a market of abierta competition, where the change follows one another in exponential form, the organizations constantly persecute the differentiation through a greater quality and a smaller cost to lead their segment, enterprise objectives that cannot be obtained without creating competitive advantages. These superiorities with respect to their competitors are created from the innovation. To innovate then, means better results derived from the possibility of producing differentiated goods or services or of using techniques more efficient than the competitors, improving not only the competitiveness but in addition harnessing the development to new markets, creating new businesses and even generating markets before nonexistent. Thus, innovation becomes necessary in the organizations not to disappear, global contexts that every time they change with greater speed and are more competitive.

Innovation that produces ideas that are translated in a differentiation until another competitor the copy and with time transforms itself into standard. To put in center of an organization to the innovation, means to promote the qualification and the development of its members, to concentrate in its capacities, to desestructuralizar its work, to flatten complex hierarchies and structures, to turn it into an organization decentralized and communicated in networks. To articulate it around formalization, work parties low, decentralizing the decisions, increasing the communication capacity, of management of the conflict and the diversities. Thus, the way in which the organizations locate as central activity to the innovation is through the construction of a network of professionals with high complexity in its formation but with one lowers to formalization as far as structures, decentralizing the power, reducing to the stratification in the distribution differential of the wages, generating habitually a low volume of production and putting little emphasis in the efficiency in the cost..