North American

In the Anger, current enemy of the world to the North American eyes, the revolt is against the regimen form, the theocracy? government form where the religiosidade controls the politics and the country? where the Ayatolas directly choose or approve the president-elects for the people. This is democratic. However who is only elect the Ayatola wants. This is dictatorship. current Ayatola is Khamenei There, since 1989.

E current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reeleito in the 2009 after murder of the competing candidate Suha Abdallah Jarallaj, talvs for to be allied of the United States and opponent to the reeleito candidate after its death. Ahmadinejad was reeleito under fraud suspicion international, what it generated revolts in the Iranian population, these hardly was restrained. Thus, demonstrating to the fragility of this democracy and its similarity with authoritarian and ditatoriais governments. In Venezuela it does not happen thus. Hugo Keys is reeleito for changes for imposed it in the constitution of the country so that the executives can infinitely be reeleitos since that the people I will choose for re-election of these.

This is democracy. The form of this president to govern is changedded into dictatorship when it hinders the liberty of speech and it nationalizes companies to the bel pleasure to satisfy to the people distributing the wealth between poor. Intelligent it. Thus it has the support of the people who reelects. It increases wages, it distributes foods, it offers to health and housing. Beyond of the fact to restrain politicians who cross its way with iron hand, ordering to arrest and to suspend its rights individual politicians and, confiscating good and transferring to the government the control of such. But if the people agrees this is one legitimizes democratic dictatorship. He does not have contrary manifestations of great transport, only for a minority that apia the opposition, fragilizada and incapable to contradict the will of the people. Thus they are the democratic dictatorships. Others as much happen for the world as in the Bahrein monarchy, king of the Barein, Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa, with first-minister chosen for the king, Jawad current Al-Urayyid have 40 years in the position. In the Imen president-elect for mandate of 7 years There Abdullah Saleh, in the power it has 32 years. In the Lybian, where also manifestations happen are a different case. Muammar al-Gaddafi is in the power of a military dictatorship since 1969. Interesting to point out that where has North American interest it does not have international intervention in the elections, as in Egypt and the Barein. In meanwhile, in the Anger if it tried and it was denied the permission for a control of the ballot boxes for international agencies. In Venezuela it had with the permission of Keys, also using Brazilian electronic ballot boxes as form to prove the legitimacy of its election. Nothing it was evidenced that it discredited the re-election of Hugo Keys.