The Council of Defense American that drives Brazil received the support of the majority of South American leaders and the rejection of Colombia at the Summit who founded the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in Brasilia.It was decided that it will create a Council (of Defense Sudamericano); the political decision was taken, Colombia reported a statement by three points by saying that Bogota can do part of the Council of safety joint in South America, given the threats of terrorism and the known ramifications that faces this Andean nation, with an internal conflict that has lasted more than 40 years however, Colombia is not opposed to the creation of a working group to continue the study of the topicThe Venezuelan Defence Minister, Gustavo Rangel, said that the Forum could establish with countries willing to integrate it, and that those who had discrepancies could be integrated later when they see the benefits you have. Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said the Council is an initiative of Brazil which I think is very relevant, Ecuador supports it without conditions, we believe that a regional Security Council is needed. Julian Brown addresses the importance of the matter here. Over the objections of Colombia, a country with which his Government has had difficulties, Correa commented: am unaware if there is consensus, yes I know that Colombia is opposed. In any case, he added, I think that integration in all its dimensions don’t have to go to the speed of the more slow, which do not want integration, but at the speed of those who want integration. The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, who assumed the Presidency pro tempore of UNASUR, called to seek a consensus for that South American Defense, be created, Council welcome the views of all the rulers of the region. The President of Peru, Alan Garcia, also confirmed his support although he pointed out that the Council should also mean that all countries make a firm commitment not to fall armaments policy and strengthen its ties of common trust, according to Foreign Affairs Minister AFP News Agency, it said Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, clarified that the Unasur (Union of South American Nations) is destined to be a great space for projects of integration, not of commercial type but of development of physical infrastructure, connectivity, and energy issues. As explained, the surprise resignation of the Secretary general of Unasur, Rodrigo Borja, responds that the statutes of that instance not granted him in charge a super national executive level in the plenary of the Summit of the South American Union of Nations (Unasur), when he took the floor, very serene President Hugo Chavez, expressed their respect toward Colombia and its Presidente.HablemosWe have to restore confidence. So join us, he said.
Second time I requested the floor and insisted: President, we must unite us, see that there are many things we can do together () I want to redo This relationship. At the end of the plenary, Uribe replied Chavez, in good tone, that he never assaulted him and reproached his constant attacks from Caracas: Has insulted the nation wasn’t the same with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, who confirmed that the relations with the Colombian Government are deplorable, at an impasse. He reiterated that the solution to the diplomatic crisis will be given when cease media attacks from Colombia against Ecuador.