ICFES Educative

The educational ones are very few that have good sense of property, that good attitude and disposition enter the classroom with dynamism, with, that they are prepared to give his class. It is worth the pain to have present that if a professor gives his speech with joy, enthusiasm, love and it reflects enamoramiento by his work it implicitly induces the student to receive from equal way the class. Oppositely it happens if the educator enters the classroom with laziness, dejection reflecting nonconformity by its work would infect to its disciples of the same. So the best method to initiate an educative process is to own a good attitude. The creative professor, escudria methods that although they seem obsolete can contribute positive aspects in this process and recovers and it applies traditional games that will serve the student to him to fortify the competitions. If one has articulated methodologies, projects and criteria of evaluation but having find the context social, the educative institutions would remove good student promotions in degree ninth, with good social and labor performances and of equal way they will be in capacity to obtain good results in the tests of knowing and those of later ICFES mind when they are in degree eleven. The great dilemma that presents/displays the teaching and Ministry of National education, is that they do not contribute his sand granite to contribute with the solution of the problem but they throw to the other the fault to him. And the problem is so serious that it enters both is due to reflect in aspects that I will describe next: * There is educative quality when the programs created by the government of scholastic restaurant begin with many weeks after the beginning of the scholastic year and it suspends weeks before being finished the scholastic year to it and every time they tend to reduce the portion of the foods that corresponds to him to each boy * He is ethical that enters the union of the teaching professionals of the right branches, of engineering and psychologists who do not have nor idea of how to distribute an education process – learning? These people would offer equal education of quality that those that the lawyers in the education offer? With those appointments that did the Ministry of National Education is contributed to the good academic yield of the students? These people will be in the capacity to develop to good habits of reading and writing in each one of the different educative levels? * There will be educative quality with professors who have been twenty years of experience named in property and are even normalistas? Who they prefer to have a car last model that to be made a degree at least. * The academic level of the students will rise with professors who place their students to read literary works and to carry out works written, and analyzes not even them in classes? * There is educative quality with the policy of the ICFES to the same evaluate with the same standards and criteria to all the students of the nation, without considering the sociocultural context in that they develop? Some educational ones refuse to recognize that they have had faults in the process education – learning, because they think that when fulfilling with contents and subjects they have taken a good curriculum, when in fact many of the union must give a resignificacin this one, therefore curriculum is everything from the relations between professor – student – context to the subjects of each level, and the good one attitude that takes the professor to distribute its education and to attract positively to the boy so that it obtains a good learning.