Guerrilla Marketing

The FlashMob emerge in the 2000s as a logical consequence to the beginning of the use of social networks. People who are known together with people who do not know to do something in spoken in a place and date agreed for a specific purpose. At its inception, the FlashMob had an uncertain impact, but were nothing more than the trial of a trend that already has its place in society. The FlashMob are to fill a gap that had in today’s society; a more agile and concrete society which knows better what he wants and has the advantage of easily communicate with other members of society. The Flashmob are basically a gathering of people that brings together a number of features: not convened through Mass Media (TV, radio) are invited through social networks, or so viral on the web a set of people gather at a particular point and is carried out meeting the Flashmob is fast, never lasts longer than a few minutes always has a purpose the Flashmob uses the resource that gives a conglomerate of people to achieve a goal and, depending on the aim pursued, we have: FlashMob policies FlashMob of protest Marketing FlashMob FlashMob for leisure or fun AbsurdMob, spontaneously convened more or less successfully and without one purpose rather than waking attention on people who are near or pass out there. Flash which means something quick, spontaneous, agile and mob, that comes from mobile, mobility; FlashMob is a term that was coined to stay because it is compatible with modernity and at this point, you could say that a FlashMob is more concrete, rapid and global than any other similar action. To begin let’s see a video, because at this point there are many people that eludes them exactly what is a clear FlashMob that does not always have a spirit of dance and choreography, although they tend to be preferred by brands and consumers by the joy that emanate.