Now, as to the owners of cameras and before the master service departments are increasingly question the advisability of repairing a damaged camera. It's safe to say that the time spent the repair of film cameras (shoot cameras) economically feasible. Owners of such cameras can only advise to find a private or master craftsman, who for the sake of pleasure, but not for the money, take up repair the camera. As for today's digital cameras, they can be divided into categories: digital soap dish, costing 3 to 8tys. rub., stylish digital cameras cost from 8 to 15 thousand rubles. semi-professional cameras from 15 to 25tys. rub., professional cameras worth more than 25tys. rub.
Based on the foregoing, we can say that digital cameras are quite expensive, so the question has arisen: "Repairing or buy a new one?", The owner of the camera decides to "Repairing." So the service issues are relevant enough digital cameras. Overruns, which characterizes the performance of repairs cameras, can be avoided if properly and efficiently organize all work, so that turned out to be quite reasonable cost in both time and money on replacement of faulty components. In this case it is not about in a hurry. Haste and repairs cameras incompatible concepts. The Constitution and the circuitry is quite complicated camera, even an experienced professional who has behind him not one hundred refurbished cameras haste in the work would only increase costs both time and money.
This is the intelligent use of available instruments, the necessary service documentation, effective organization of the order necessary components, the availability and timely completion of the warehouse workshop "driving" spare parts. Only in this case, we can provide a reasonable amount of camera repair for the owner, and accordingly the studio profit. Not superfluous here write that often spares repair cameras supplied how finished node ie lens assembly, not a separate component of the concept (IC, transistor, transformer, etc.), and the board as a whole. It is important to time, in the process of repair, to determine the need to replace the node, the possibility of his order, price and delivery time to inform the owner of the vehicle, to inform he final cost of repairs and, if his consent to continue. In case of failure mass content saved time, effort and money. Our shop provides repair photographic equipment. Material for our website is aimed primarily at owners of cameras. Here you can find detailed descriptions of common faults, many of which are accompanied by photographs. For example, fault in a digital camera, Sony DSC-F717 associated with failure of the CCD matrix. After reading the description of the defect and looking at the pictures, the camera owner will understand that the image on its display and the picture quality is not associated with camera settings. Also on site is published by a variety of tips for users.