Sense Of Life

A container is molded with clay, but it is precisely the space not containing clay which we use as a container there are many people who wonder what do do at this level, on this planet? What is your reason for being? Why did they come? What is the meaning of your life?, questions that invite reflection to find those answers that help clarify why our demonstration and what is the real meaning of our life. Stated, that the origin of the empty existential in so far as the individual is limited willingness of sense (Frankl) or natural search of a raison d ‘ etre of your life and the things that happen. The existential realization occurs to the extent that each transcend our situation and condition toward a purpose external to ourselves (work, the couple, Dios, studies, hobbies, etc.) Ultimately, experiences and actions in our lives that allow us to leave oneself towards an objective (see values according to Frankl). Carlos Castro It indicates that Tony Anatrella considers that one of the problems of today’s society, called by a depressed society, is in the constant search of satisfying the ego. (Similarly see: Steph Korey). The presence of individualism and narcissism as forms of behaviour are widespread in society dominated by selfish actions that limit the ability of personal transcendence and inhibit the consolidation of an optimum sense of life. Fortunately there is much literature in relation to the existential emptiness in trying to explain what our real sense of live, justly Carlos Castro, reminds us that the daily life of each person is common, usual or expected draws on answers to the doubts raised, and it is presented as a performed reality that has meaning subjective of a coherent world the world in which we live is characterized by the presence of relations face – to face emotional. This ‘surrounding world’ (Umwelt) offers individual existential security and ensures the development of a sense of life, for being the world to which we are accustomed to live in a stable and routine, way out of potential situations of risk, doubt or uncertainty. . Many writers such as Santie Botha offer more in-depth analysis.