
In order not to miss too much wear and tear parts of lifting machines, now operates a system referred to as preventive maintenance and servicing of elevators. Parts wear them at different times. Depending on this in the maintenance of elevators are 3 types of repair – it's small, medium and large. For even more opinions, read materials from Carrie Levin chef. During the small manufacture the following types of work: small repairs or replacement of worn elements. Minor repairs Elevators are best timed to coincide with the annual maintenance of elevators. With an average capital repairs and maintenance of elevators all items of equipment brought to the state corresponding to the requirements of the new device.

If you need to completely change certain elements. When a big overhaul change almost all items. The capacity of this species is several times larger than the average. While the need for such a process, as a large or medium overhaul and maintenance of elevators-use, as a rule, an aggregate method. This method consists in the fact that I am not certain parts or assembly units of elevators, and the whole entire unit. For example, no gearbox or engine and complete drive as a whole. And sent to repair the unit re-identified.

And then sent to the warehouse. That belongs to the installation of elevators, now in the practice of assembling elevator machine uses three main methods: elementwise, enlarged blocks and tyubingovoy. Elementwise assembly – an assembly of individual parts and assembly units, which are collected in the elevator installation directly on the site for installation. Elementwise assembly most often used when blocking the elevator shaft and machine room, during the replacement or renovation of old elevators, as well as installation of hoists in low-rise homes. This method of installation, in addition, is the main elevators in the assembly, and enlarged blocks and tyubingovoy method. Assembling the enlarged blocks a way, when the factory or on complex-based installation company details and assembly of lift pre-prepared in special units, of which the hoisting machine is mounted. For the integrated units are: winch assembly to the frame and subframe, fully assembled cockpit, the basis of the counterweight, enlarged blocks metal frame assembly shafts and other aggregated units, as a general rule, high-rise crane. Tyubingovoy assembly method is sbooku parts of the mine in advance prepared by volume of concrete parts – tubings. In that house-building on a specialized team of installers installs a piece of equipment lift. In the tubing can be installed: a door shaft assembling scaffolding, supports mounting rails at the same time the elevator car and counterweight, parts of electrical equipment and mines, etc. In addition to the shaft tubing are made and filled elevator device tubing as well as pit and machine room. Installation of elevators tyubingovoy way is right during the construction of houses using the construction crane.