My article for those who want to try to put yourself tile, and were it not as a professional, although it may be after reading this opus, this desire you will be gone … Laying ceramic tiles – the process is rather complicated, which assumes a qualified professional. If you wish to make their own ceramic tiles, then I suggest you consider some basic principles, rules and suggestions that will help you properly do the job. Famous Brands may not feel the same. Not to buy extra tiles, its consumption is determined as follows: measure the area of the cladding and divide it by the area of one tile. Get a number of pieces, but it should be increased by 10 percent at first sight revetment wall tiles – it is not difficult, however, this process involves many important nuances to consider in their work. After all, the tile served a long time, the main thing – the right to lay its first stage – preparing the wall surface. Clear base with dirt, dust and fragile items. The surface of the alignment so that the difference in levels of less than 5 mm. Irregularities define a flat six-foot wooden or metal lath, and then using special blends shpatlevochnyh align poverhnost.Ya eg not pre-line the walls, but using a different adhesive under totlschinu plitkoy.Hotya professionals often do not recommend this method, but I still did not understand why? if to say, this method does not guarantee long-term use of such walls, in view of the fact that after a while everything will fall off, but it can not argue the fact that even on the glue to the Annotated says that it can be used to align sten.Edinstvennaya difficulty is that this method will not be able to practice a novice in a thick layer of glue is hard vyrovnivat tile relative each drugu.Poetomu the initial period is better to start on flat walls or pre-aligned.