Brazilian Organizations

International the financial crisis significantly did not affect the trajectory of these economies nor the health of their financial organizations. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robert Kiyosaki and gain more knowledge.. It is for this reason that the Brazilian banking organizations are to expectation of opportunities of international expansion. From China, the sovereign bottoms have shown an initial protagonism in the outbreak of the crisis, although at the moment are a little dull (but a new outpost of the same cannot be discarded). Returning to the strategy of the main Spanish banks, the strategy of aggressive internationalization that is taking ahead Santander (IBEX35: SAN; NYSE: STD) and that we recently commented more of a month Santander to the conquest of the world, is being imitated by BBVA (BVSP: ITUB3; NYSE: ITUB). It tries the BBVA to take his national competition with Santander to the global sand? Without doubts, this one is not the interest of the BBVA, but to take the opportunities growth that the world of the pos crisis offers to him. The destruction prevails that it has caused in the American banking sector is not finished observing in all their magnitude until the moment.

Probably, many American citizens are at the moment happening through the door of several (of thousand that exists) of the small ones and medians banking organizations that operate in the USA without suspecting the terrible effort which they are making to stay still on. Against this background, president of BBVA, Francisco Gonzlez, confirmed in yesterday who the organization is looking for to realise tactical acquisitions of organizations in South half of the United States. The numerous amount of organizations with difficulties for of the United States a country that offers great amount of opportunities for the strategy of expansion of the BBVA. Gonzlez left in clear that the new stage of the BBVA in the USA is more aggressive: Is clear that this bank must extend the sights and have more ambition.